The package of the authentic Chanel bag purchased from the counter is shown in the picture below, showing what the authentic Chanel bag looks like.
The picture below is the sales details card filled in by the counter, which consists of the sale date, serial number (unique), and the counter’s seal, as shown in the picture below:
1. Chanel Is the ID card authentic?
There is a golden embossed serial number on the top of the back of the card, which is clear and concave-convex; there is a laser film mixed with gold powder that is difficult to tear off inside the bag, and the serial number is also on it. number; these two serial numbers must be consistent with the serial number on the sales details card.
The following is a comparison of real and fake bag cards and a comparison of real and fake laser films. If there are no problems from the packaging to the above three points, you can basically be sure that your Chanel bag is real.
2. Leather
The rhombus on the surface of the authentic Chanel bag is full, round and natural, while the rhombus on the fake bag has sag and wrinkles.
3. LOGO, LOGO is the most common knowledge point in identification.
1. The opening angle of the letter "C" is an angle of 30 degrees, as shown in the picture above, and the font of C is a circular C. The C of many fakes is an oblong shape (except for second-hand bags)
2. The horizontal position in the middle of the letter "H" is on the upper side, and many fakes are in the middle.
3. The width of the upper part of the letter "N" is wider than the width of the lower part.
4. The lengths of the three horizontal lines of the letter "E" are all different. The one in the middle is the shortest and the one below is the longest.