JD.com’s model is different from Taobao. Taobao is more open and any small seller can register to open a store. Therefore, the products are comprehensive but there are also many fake products. JD.com only accepts brand sellers with relevant formalities and certifications, so the items may not be complete but the quality is guaranteed. Xiaoqin Sea Cucumber Peptide Powder is sold on Taobao and Pinduoduo because Taobao and Pinduoduo do not have high requirements for the quality and brand of items. Any small online store can sell it, and customers who are not satisfied can return it for a refund at any time without any reason. However, JD.com has stricter requirements in this regard. It requires a trademark registration certificate or application for trademark registration. Non-own brands require a trademark authorization letter; relevant health or production license certificates; company quality inspection, quarantine, and inspection related reports; legal persons Represents the original and duplicate copy of the ID card; company business license. If the business license is not three in one, you need to provide the corresponding tax registration certificate, organization code certificate, and national and local tax seal; company bank account opening license.