The 18 categories of trademarks we usually refer to are bags and handbags. Xiaobian can know that handbag trademarks belong to the 18th category-leather goods, which is a relatively popular category. Thousands of handbag trademarks to be transferred and sold can be found in intellectual property rights. The following intellectual property rights are introduced in detail for everyone. Generally speaking, the cost of buying a handbag trademark includes the following points:
1. The official fee for trademark transfer of handbags is 5 yuan.
The so-called trademark purchase refers to the transfer under the procedures stipulated in the Trademark Law. The sale and purchase of trademarks without the approval of the Trademark Office are illegal, and it is very likely that they will fall into legal disputes afterwards. Therefore, the cost of buying a trademark includes the trademark transfer fee to be paid to the Trademark Office, and the current charging standard is 5 yuan.
ii. agency fee for trademark transfer.
nowadays, trademarks are generally bought and sold through the trademark agency platform, so besides paying the official fee, a certain amount of agency service fee is also required. There is no clear charging standard for agency service fee, which depends on the situation of each agency platform. At present, it is generally 5-1 yuan.
iii. the price of the trademark itself.
what accounts for a large proportion of the cost of buying a trademark is the price of the trademark itself. The price of the trademark is quoted by the trademark holder. Of course, you can also communicate and negotiate, and the two sides will decide a mutually acceptable price. The trademark price itself is also affected by many factors, such as trademark name, brand influence, registration category, etc. You can refer to the price of bag trademarks in the market, and then get a more reasonable price range. At present, the prices of most trademarks on the market are 2,-5,, which can be used as a reference.
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