2. Do you have Youngor original packaging bags? In the negotiation with the seller, parents can intentionally or unintentionally mention Youngorgy's packaging bag (be sure to pretend that it was not unintentionally put forward, otherwise it will arouse the vigilance of scammers). Don't underestimate this packaging bag. Authentic Youngorgy clothes will definitely have matching original packaging bags. Dear friends, I don't know, in fact, the cost of packaging bags for clothes is not low. Most clothing manufacturers have to find professional packaging manufacturers to do it, and in order to establish a brand image, the quality of packaging bags will not be low, so the cost is definitely not low. Manufacturers who copy Youngor will never waste this money, and the technical difficulty of copying genuine Youngor packaging bags is not something that ordinary printing houses can do. Therefore, only the seller said that there was no packaging bag for Youngor, or refused to provide packaging bags for various reasons, which must be an imitation of Youngor's clothes.
3. Check the clothes label. First of all, authentic Youngor men's wear must have a tag. If there is no tag, it must be a fake Youngor. Having a tag is only one of the conditions to identify and judge the authenticity of Youngor, but it does not mean that having a tag must be genuine Youngor, because it depends on whether the information on the tag is detailed. Authentic youngorgy clothes are usually hung in the collar of a coat or the trademark LOGO in the middle of the back waist of trousers. There will be a white sticker on the tag, which clearly States the specific content of the clothes. Including bar code, color, size, model and washing instructions. Imitation Youngor generally only has a tag that looks like genuine Youngor, and there will be no sticker. Recently, a swindler claimed that he was selling the so-called foreign trade goods of Youngor Gy, and the person who said this must also be selling fake Youngor, because even the clothes of Youngor in foreign trade will have tags and stickers, but they are changed into English or other foreign languages.