JZ Knight was born on March 16, 1946, in Roseville, New Mexico, into a family of migrant migrant workers. She was the eighth child in a family whose mother was a cotton picker, so her early childhood was spent in the cotton fields. Through her selfless dedication and hard work, Jessena became a very successful career woman. Her professional work was interrupted by the appearance of Ramusha, who began her journey of self-discovery and becoming a master. JZ was once Ramaya, one of Ramaya’s beloved children during his life.
One of the more controversial aspects of Ramtha's teachings is the form he chose to present his message. He communicated his teachings through a special phenomenon called channeling. In fact, it was only because Lambsa began to use it in the late 1970s that everyone knew this term. Ramtha used the body of Jessena to teach his teachings personally. A channel is different from a medium in that the channel herself does not remain in a trance-like altered state; she actually completely leaves her body and allows the consciousness to fully exert itself on her. Her brain and nervous system function to gain full control over her body. Jessinai was the only channel through which Ramtha chose to convey his message personally.
Ramtha did not use his own body, but chose to use a woman as a channel to convey his message. This is a statement that God and divinity are not just the preserve of men, and that women deserve to express God. Sex, worthy of innate talents and worthy of becoming God realized. It also states that the important thing in his philosophy is not to worship a face, or an image--these have caused the failure of many past attempts at enlightenment--but to listen to the message itself. It also states that the true essence of man is not limited to the physical body or to one gender. Therefore, the phenomenon of channel channeling is only possible within the framework of Ramusa’s ideological system. In other words, the phenomenon of using Jessenai as a channel for channeling is possible only if Ramusa’s teaching content and explanation of the nature of reality are true.
The authenticity of this phenomenon indicates the credibility of Ramtha’s information. This is an important reference point as scientific advances have developed tests and instruments that can observe this phenomenon in detail and study it from a physiological, neurological and psychological perspective. Today's technology has made it possible to study the phenomena of Jessena as a medium and rule out any possibility of deception. In 1996, a high-level expert panel composed of 12 scholars - including neuroscientists, psychologists, sociologists and religious experts - conducted an investigation into Jesse Nair's interactions with Ramosa before becoming a medium. What happened next was subject to a year-long scientific study.
The experts synthesized the scientific research they had done, using the most advanced techniques and instruments available, and they concluded that because of the significant agitation in the data on Jessene's autonomic nervous system response, they Absolutely ruling out any possibility of conscious deception, schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder. I love Jessena so much for her enthusiasm for learning and spirit of exploration, her devotion to great work, and her love for God and all that is sacred. She was able to express concisely and clearly and powerfully the great question of who we are Who we come from, and the destiny we can ultimately reach. She continued to channel Ramusa and brought his teachings to the world through Ramusa's Enlightenment School, which she called "the model school of the soul."
Who is Jesse Nye?
Jesse Nye (who prefers to spell her name without punctuation) is the founder and president of Ramsha Academy of Initiation, president of Jesse Nye Publishing Company, and chairman of the Jesse Nye Foundation for the Humanities. She is Ramtha's only channel. Jesse Nye is considered by most religious historians to be an iconic figure in American New Ageism and one of the most charismatic and controversial American spiritual leaders. The following is a brief chronology of her life (see "State of the Mind: My Story" by Jesse Nye for more details):
1946: Jesse was born on March 16, 1946, General Hospital in Roswell, New Mexico, to parents Charles and Helen Hampton, homeless farm workers living in Hagerman, New Mexico. Her mother called her Judith, whose full name was Judy Darlene Hampton. Judith came from the heroine in the Catholic book Judith.
She was the eighth child in a poor Hampton family.
1946 to 1964: Shortly after her birth, her family moved to Rockwall, Texas, to work for a large landowner in the local cotton fields. Her first spiritual experience had an impact on her personality. When Judith was five years old, her mother moved with her young children to Artesia, New Mexico, leaving her violent and alcoholic husband. Judith began her education in local schools, and the family became stable after her mother married local businessman, Bill Angley. Judy graduated from Artesia High School in 1964.
1965 to 1976: An unsuccessful attempt to go to college in 1965 led to marriage and the birth of her two children, Brandy and Christopher. The marriage ended in 1969, and Judy moved her young family to Roswell, New Mexico. As the sole provider for her family with no child support, Judy used her strong faith in God to launch a career in cable television, eventually moving to California. Judy was nicknamed "Zebra" because of her ability to tell the difference between black and white. (The nickname was later shortened to the more widely known "Jessie/JZ".) She gradually prospered in her career, and Jessie became a very successful career woman. After securing cable TV contracts in Brementon, Seattle, and Tacoma, Jesse moved to the Puget Sound area of ??Washington, remarried, and settled in Tacoma.
February 1977: On the afternoon of Sunday, February 20, 1977, Jesse had her first encounter with an extraordinary being in her Tacoma kitchen. This entity is Ramusa.
1978 to 1979: In November 1978, Ramtha had his first channeling through Jessina. ("Channeling" is a popular description coined by Ramtha. See the entry on the channeling process below for details.) Jessina held a meeting with Ramtha. She became involved with national public discussion gatherings called The Conversation. In this way, a long and mysterious relationship began, in which the physical body of Jesse and the spiritual being of Ramtha united to bring the message of human divinity to the world.
1980 to 1987: She appeared on numerous national television programs, completed part of a world tour with Ramtha and his teachings, and toured the country to promote her autobiography, State of the Mind: My Story was published by Warner Books in 1987.
May 1988: At Ramusa’s request, Jessena founded Ramusa’s Institute of Enlightenment, a Gnostic school in the United States. The school begins in the Colorado Snow Mountains (May 22-28, 532 participants). Ramtha introduces a dynamic breathing technique called Awareness and Energy. He also introduced his students to quantum physics, initially teaching what would become a synthesis of science and spirituality.
1988 to 1991: Weekend workshops and week-long retreats combined instruction with personal experience. Ramtha introduces new disciplines and provides hands-on training for mind-over-matter exercises such as remote observation, field work, and mazes.
1992-1993: Divorce—a major dispute amid the media frenzy surrounding the school—between Jesse Nye and her ex-husband, the late Jeffrey Nye. famous divorce reopening case. (It has been noted that all evidence of "cult," "brainwashing," and "mind control" had been rejected by Pierce County Superior Court Judge Bruce W. Kehoe. What is less known is that the final decision, according to the record, did not just dismiss those The more controversial part was that all previous arguments put forward by Jeffrey Nye were also rejected. The case was based on the reputation value of Jesse Nye's agency at the time of the divorce judgment, and Jeffrey Nye was awarded compensation for his controversial decision. $750,000. This came as a surprise to both parties because this was not the original issue raised or argued in the case. The Washington State Court of Appeal later overturned this decision. A July 20, 1998 memorandum stated that "the trial court's award does not award any monetary compensation for Jeffer's various "brainwashing" claims. All of these claims are denied as frivolous. This award is based on the trial court's decision." Subject to a deduction from the property division agreement between Jesse and Jeff, which deduction was overturned on appeal.
1996 to 1997: Jesse agreed to allow academics to conduct a year-long study of teaching in schools, culminating in a conference on February 8-9, 1997. The results showed that Jessena and the students showed significant growth in their spiritual and mental abilities. Ramtha Enlightenment Academy enjoys a new level of acceptance among academics and the general public, mainly because of Jessina's perseverance and her 20-year experience with Ramtha.
1997: On April 22, the Austrian Supreme Court ruled that Jessner was Ramtha's only permissible psychic channel. In 1992, a Berlin woman named Julie Lavelle claimed to be Ramtha's true channel. She held conferences in Germany, Austria and Switzerland, resulting in multiple instances of trademark infringement. She wanted to keep Ramtha's teachings pure and filed a lawsuit against Lavelle. In 1995, an appeals court in Linz, Austria ordered Lavelle to stop using Ramtha's name in connection with her psychic courses. and to pay Jesse Nye’s legal costs. Ravel appealed to the Austrian Supreme Court, but on June 6, 1997, the Supreme Court upheld the original ruling of the lower court.
1999: Ramtha Enlightenment Academy conducted a world tour on five continents.
What is channel channeling?
The term "channel channeling" popularized by Ramtha. Prior to this time, the spiritual process of communicating with etheric beings had always been in the form of "trance mediums" or "mediums." Many people who claim to have entered altered states of consciousness and connected to their spiritual bodies have compelling reports of their experiences. But Jesse Nye's process was completely different. Ramtha calls her a "pure channel", a very rare anomaly. She actually left her body and experienced a long tunnel hurtling down toward a brilliant light; not unlike the reported death experiences of people who had been clinically publicly diagnosed as legally dead only to return to their bodies. . Ramsa surrounds her body, and through the process of photosynthesis, he can make the body move, speak, and interact with the environment through actual manipulation of the brainstem and lower cerebellum.
Jessene's physical or spiritual body, if you want to call it that, was not present during the channeling. She is not in the altered state or remembers anything that happened while she was gone. Ramtha regulates her body and uses her brain like a telephone. In the early days, Jessena's body had to drink a lot of water to be able to coordinate with the high-frequency vibrations of Ramusa. Now her body was more in tune with his frequency, making it easier to synchronize. Although the term "channel" is widely used, these people did not experience this process. Some are actually mediums, Edgar. Casey is one example.
The litmus test of this process is now visible to some and is being scrutinized by the scientific community. In 1996 AD, Jessena opened the school and Ramusa's teachings to the academic community for careful examination. In the summer of 1996, Jesseny underwent a series of psychophysiological tests that would permanently establish what a channel was.
External proof?
The results of the above-mentioned academic examination were presented at a weekend conference, held on February 8 and 9, 1997, at Jesse Nye's home. A distinguished group of twelve academics—including scientists, psychologists from these diverse institutions: Chicago Theological Seminary, Temple University, Colgate University, University of California, University of Oregon, and Birkbeck College, University of London— Sociologist and religious expert - studied Jesse Nai before, during and after Ramusa's channeling.
Coordinating director Joseph Bettis, Ph.D., retired professor of religious studies at Western Washington University and of the Northwest Research Group, and J. Dr. Gordon Melton, for his two-day conference titled "Self-Search: The Role of Consciousness in Constructing Reality," covered a variety of issues regarding Ramtha and psychic phenomena.
J. Dr. Gordon Melton said, "What is important about this conference is that it represents the beginning of important academic research that has long been ignored by the academic world."
A team of highly qualified psychologists, led by Dr. Stanley Kripner of the Saybrook Institute, studied Jesse Nye and her school for a year, conducting a series of experiments with highly sensitive equipment. Psychological and physiological testing.
They concluded that the data taken from Ms. Jessenai's autonomic nervous system was so dramatic that the scientists specifically ruled out the possibility of any conscious faking, schizophrenia or multiple personality disorder.
Working with Saybrook Institute professor colleague Dr. Ian Wickramasekera, the distinguished neuroscientist, and fellow researcher Dr. Stanley Krippner, a leading figure in American psychic research. Before completing these tests, he described himself as "very skeptical but open-minded."
Ian was quite surprised when we tested Jesse, because when Ramsay came in, he had a detector that plotted all the psychophysiological responses, Krippner said. The pointer jumped from one place to another on the page without any exaggeration, and he had never seen such a dramatic change. "(We) were very concerned about the drastic change after Ramosa came in." "Very surprised."
"She was not faking it," he added, "because we were hooking her up to test her physiological responses, and the results we got were impossible to manipulate." According to Colorado Wickramasekera, president-elect of the state Association of Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback, said that when Jessine entered a state of consciousness and Ramusa's spiritual body took over her body, her heart rate reached a low of 40 beats per minute and then accelerated to 40 beats per minute. 180 minutes. In her normal resting state, Jessena's heart rate is between 85 and 90. "You might see this in someone jogging or having a severe panic attack, but Ms. Jessene was sitting completely still."
"It was clear to the research team that something had happened. Something very dramatic and physiological, something based on the understanding of human capabilities, that cannot be faked," Krippner explained: "One cannot fake it, one cannot role-play it. There are rarely any physiological changes during hypnosis."
"After noticing all the dramatic data being collected, we left the house. All I could say to Jesse was, "Well, Jesse, I don't know what you are, but at least you're not an impostor or a liar," and little did I know that that unthinking statement meant so much to her. "Because of all the accusations she'd been involved in over the years," he continued, "Ian and I were quite surprised that the data was so dramatic and unique. Ian and I had no hesitation in publishing the study." Wickramasekera in the United States The Psychological Association, a very prestigious institution in the field, presented this material. Krippner presented his findings at a number of scientific conferences. The first article on this research, a phenomenological analysis, appeared in 1998.
According to J. Gordon Melton said that Wickramasekera was not interested when he initially participated in the research, but did not expect such significant results. He was driven by his enthusiasm to record the physiological results of testing Jesse Nye's channeling of Ramosa. He explains how to perform eight standard tests, physiological, psychological, and behavioral tests known to be valid and reliable. "You use a big net to go fishing," Wickramasekera said. "We didn't expect to find fish in all eight nets."
For Ramtha's students, the difference between the guru and his channel was clear. Some students even notice their differences. Gayle. Dr. Halley said, "Her eyes changed from the gentle, striking blue of Jesse Nephew to the unfocused, dark gray eyes of Blue Musa. As Blue Musa, her skin tone darkened and her jawline became firmer. Her demeanor was aggressive and formal. Her walk changed into a graceful gait." Harley concluded that Jessina could not act or pretend to be Ramsay. "The dramatic changes Ramtha reveals when she takes control are so believable.
Professional Science Test Supplement
The original English list of the research team is as follows:
· Birkbeck College at the University of London
Basil Hiley , Ph.D.
· Colgate University
Joscelyn Godwin, Ph.D.
· Chicago Theological Seminary
Robert L. Moore, Ph.D.
· Concordia University, Quebec, Canada
Susan Jean Palmer, Ph.D.
· Graduate Theological Union, Berkeley, California
Constance A. Jones, Ph.D.
· Northwest Research Group
Joseph Bettis, Ph.D.
· Saybrook Graduate School & Research Center
Stanley Krippner, Ph.D., Ian Wickramasekera, Ph.D.
Judy Wickramasekera, Ph.D., Charles Winstead, III, Ph.D .
·Temple University
Franklin H. Littell, Ph.D.
Marcia Sachs Littell, Ph.D.
· University of California, Santa Barbara
J. Gordon Melton, Ph.D.
Director of the Institute for the Study of American Religion
· University of Oregon
Amit Goswami, Ph.D.
· University of South Florida, Tampa
Gail M. Harley, Ph.D.
Professor of Religious Studies
· University of Washington
Carroll Adam Cobbs, M.S. – Doctoral student
Charles LeWarne, Ph.D. – Retired Professor of History
· Western Illinois University
John Simmons, Ph.D.
Physiological and Psychological Testing
Courtesy of the Sepluck Institute Written with Dr. Stanley Krippner, Drs. Ian and Judy Wickramasekera, and Charles W. Winstead, III of the Research Center
Eight items from Jesse Nair’s entire process of channeling Ramtha, before, Standardized physiological measurements of autonomic responses collected at that time, and later:
* Frontalis muscle flap electromyography
* Trapezius muscle electromyography
* Skin temperature on the left side
* Skin temperature on the right side
* Heartbeat
<p>* Volume pulse wave
* Left galvanic skin response
* Right galvanic skin response
The results of these physiological tests prove that in Jessena Psychic Blue Musa At this time, her muscle tone, pulse, and galvanic skin response increased, but her skin temperature and blood volume decreased. The members who conducted these scientific experiments and Dr. Stanley Kopler, a past president of the American Parapsychological Society and a professor of psychology at the Sepluck Institute, confirmed that it was impossible for Jesse Nye to act of her own will. It's impossible to pretend that all eight test results were changed.
Psychological and related behavioral tests include:
* Concentration Subscale
* Dissociative Experience Scale
* Fan Jie Questionnaire
* Phenomenological review
* Stanford gold standard for hypnotic receptivity
* Average eye movement signs
< p> Dr. Ke said the results of these tests were significant, saying: "It was confirmed that she would not be faking it and was not mentally ill. The psychological testing program also included the Stanford Hypnosis Receptivity Test, and Dr. Ke said: "Jesina's test results in this area are also extremely high."What other research findings have there been?
Jacine and some of her students also underwent some psychological tests. Dr. Stanley Krippner, former president of the American Psychiatric Association and professor of psychology at the Saybrook Institute in San Francisco, said, "Jesney and his students tested very high on their hypnotic abilities," Krippner went on to explain that that was A significant discovery, because the relationship between hypnotic abilities and extreme personalities (schizophrenia) and other organic disorders is a counterbalance: when one rises, the other falls. "You can't have both at the same time," he said.
Relationship with the community?
In his essay "Meeting Ramosa on a Proud Ranch," Charles Levane, an independent historian who studies the history of ranch/community relations, noted, "In the early years, the community presented a Signs of unrest. They were interpreted by the erected walls and cast-iron gates that something harmful was going on. Small groups of townsfolk had placed their hands on the white walls, asking God to rid the house of Jessena of evil spirits. Some threw stones at her windows."
For years Jessena was called the daughter of Satan. Her son felt the thorns of ignorance and prejudice at school in Yelm. In the late 1980s, an unknown man shot Jesse Nye. The bullet missed her but struck the lawnmower she was operating.
As Ramusa students began to move to the town of Yelm, there was a certain negative reaction to their home, and this boom must have something to do with Jessenai. Yet demographically, the town is clearly growing, regardless of the influx of students. This is one of Levane's conclusions. "A lot of people enjoy the peace and tranquility of their town and are disgusted by the influx of people. They also resent what those people did. They hate that their taxes are going up. No matter what," local resident Gal Scono said. The town will grow, but some of us blame these growth and changes." Levanne said why the rural, remote community of Yelm at that time may have been afraid of Jessena and those teachings. It's understandable. "People are afraid of unfamiliar groups, whether it's a halfway house or a group of non-traditional religious ideas," Levane concluded. "These townspeople are enlightened in their own way."
Jesse Nye Foundation for the Humanities
Since 1988, Jesse Nye has donated $1,181,067.93 to 200 high school graduates who may continue their education. A total of $280,000 was provided to 39 recent graduates in 1996. Yelm Township High School teacher Carol Peck said; "Jesse has done so much for the children in our community. Her generous scholarships have given them the opportunity to further their education."
Jesse's generosity doesn't stop there In the town of Yelm. She also sponsored two young women from Greece to attend American universities. The only prerequisite for the two non-English-speaking teenagers was that if they were to go, they would need to learn the language beforehand. And both parties did so. Attached to a recent letter from one of them to Jesse was a report card showing that she got an A and was on the honor roll. This girl couldn't speak English two years ago.
Jesse and her students are involved in many community projects.
For the past few years, Jesse has supported a youth football team called the Yelm Knights. She also sponsored six teams to participate in three phases of Babe. Ruth Little League. Jesse also supports alternative school efforts, providing generous donations to two such schools. What may come as a surprise is that at one point, Ms. Jessinai even made a last-minute donation of $3,000 to a local church group to help the Ugandan people in Kampala. The group had enough money, but because of a last-minute exchange rate change, they needed additional funds. Jesse Nye contacted this Christian church group.
Jessie's longtime administrative assistant, Vicky Cady, said, "Jesse is the most generous person I have ever met." Another employee said, "Ramusha always emphasized the importance of giving. "Jesse displayed a rather rare generosity of spirit," said religious scholar Dr. Franklin Little. "It's easy for a religious practice or a philosophical practice to emphasize self-reflection and forget about the people outside, the community outside." Jesse Nye emphasized. "Her sense of responsibility for the welfare of the community and those who are not members of the school"
Jessene's estate
Jessene's home and school are located outside the city limits. Tom Town is about half an hour east of Olympia State Road (SR) 510. The property is known to the locals as "The Ranch" because of the fact that Jessena and her ex-husband were once breeders and trainers of Arabian horses, with as many as 120 horses at one time. As the Arabian horse industry declined, businesses were dissolved and the horses sold. Jesse's place currently houses six horses.
Located in the foothills of Mount Rainier, this ranch is a place of exceptional beauty and deep tranquility. Majestic cedars and firs add to the land's beauty and eternal meaning.
The estate includes Jessene’s personal home, a 12,800-square-foot, white French Chateau-style house with four bedrooms; her original home, a 1,600-square-foot house that now serves as an office ; the lobby (a 15,375-square-foot indoor riding arena formerly used for training horses, which was renovated with artificial turf and seating for one thousand people); and the adjoining barn (now used almost exclusively by offices); a former the stud stables (now used as an on-campus bookstore open during course periods), as well as a number of other outbuildings. In recent years, Ms. Jessenai has also purchased two adjacent parcels of land to ensure the safety and privacy of course participants.