1. The deadline and time for renewal of a U.S. trademark. According to the U.S. Trademark Law, each U.S. trademark must pay the prescribed fee and submit a written application in the form prescribed by the Director of the Patent and Trademark Office. A registered trademark can apply for renewal for another ten years at the expiration of each consecutive ten years from the date of registration. The trademark renewal application can be filed at any time within one year before the expiration of each consecutive ten years of trademark registration or renewal, or within the extension period after the expiration of each consecutive ten years, but within the extension period If renewal is requested, the prescribed fees and additional fees will need to be paid. In addition, if there are irregularities in the application filed under this article, the irregularities can be corrected within the specified period after receiving the notification of irregularities, but additional fees will need to be paid;
2. Renewal of U.S. trademarks If the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office rejects an application for renewal of trademark registration, the Director of the United States Patent and Trademark Office shall notify the Commissioner of Registration and Trademark of the rejection decision and the reasons for the rejection.