Almalek Village is an administrative village under the jurisdiction of Tartajik Township, Akto County, Kizil Suzhou Prefecture, Xinjiang. The urban and rural classification code is 220, which is a village. The zoning code is 653022210200, and the first 6 digits of the resident ID number are 653022. The postal code is 845000, the long distance area code is 0908, and the license plate number is XinP. Almalek Village is adjacent to Bagh Aigz Village, Bagh Village, Beledir Village, Kuzu Village, Hosi Abati Village, Tal Abati Village and Akkoum Village.
Near Almalek Village there are tourist attractions such as Kezhou Glacier Park, Karakul Lake Scenic Area, Gezi Station Ruins, Brunkul Lake, Seabuckthorn Forest, and Pamir Glacier Yak Meat. , Akto County dried almonds, smoked horse meat, almonds, Aktao cockfighting and other specialties.