In fact, WIFI is a trademark of WLANA (Wireless LAN Alliance). This trademark only ensures that products using this trademark can cooperate with each other. It has nothing to do with the standard itself. However, because WIFI mainly uses 802.11 b protocol, so people have gradually become accustomed to using WIFI to call the 802.11b protocol. In terms of inclusion relationship, WIFI is a standard of WLAN. WIFI is included in WLAN and is a new technology using the WLAN protocol.
The coverage range of WiFi can reach about 300 feet (about 90 meters), and the maximum WLAN (plus antenna) can reach 5KM.
Wireless Fidelity, also known as the 802.11b standard, its biggest advantage is its high transmission speed, which can reach 11Mbps. In addition, its effective distance is also very long, and it is also compatible with Compatible with various existing 802.11DSSS devices. This summer's most popular notebook - Centrino technology is based on this standard, wireless Internet access has become a reality. Radio waves have a wide coverage range. The coverage range of radio waves based on Bluetooth technology is very small, with a radius of only about 50 feet (15 meters), while the radius of Wi-Fi can reach about 300 feet (100 meters), not to mention offices. It can also be used throughout the building. Recently, a new switch launched by Vivato Company. It is reported that this product can expand the communication distance of the current Wi-Fi wireless network from 300 feet to 100 meters to 4 miles and 6.5 kilometers.