Both food and products have quality requirements and must meet the prescribed standards before they can be sold or used. Products that do not meet the standards may be considered fakes, but many people will deliberately make them Fake goods to make money. So, what is the definition standard of fake goods?
1. The definition standard of fake goods Fake and shoddy goods refer to those goods that contain one or more unreal factors that can cause the general public to misunderstand them. Counterfeit goods can be divided into two types: counterfeit goods and inferior goods. Counterfeit goods are fake and shoddy material products, excluding spiritual products. Its characteristics are: unreality factors and social harm. 1. Counterfeit goods: When manufacturing goods, they realistically imitate the external characteristics of other similar products, or copy and sell products protected by intellectual property rights without authorization to pass off other people's products. In the current market, the main manifestations are counterfeiting and counterfeiting other people's trademarks and logos; counterfeiting other people's unique names, packaging, decoration, factory names and addresses; counterfeiting products with high-quality product quality certification marks and production license marks. 2. Counterfeit goods refer to goods produced and distributed that violate my country's current laws and administrative regulations, and whose quality and performance indicators fail to meet the requirements stipulated in my country's promulgated national standards, industry standards and local standards, or even Products produced without standards. According to the definition of the General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine, counterfeit products refer to the use of untrue factory names, factory addresses, trademarks, product names, product logos, etc., so that customers and consumers mistakenly believe that the product is a genuine product. Counterfeit products refer to products that are of poor quality and have lost their usability.
2. The statute of limitations for counterfeit goods is as follows: 1. One year. If a consumer files a lawsuit because of product quality or service quality problems, then The statute of limitations is one year. According to the law, the following statute of limitations is one year: (1) Claiming compensation for physical injury; (2) Selling goods with substandard quality without declaration; (3) Delay or refusal to pay rent; (4) The stored property is lost or damaged. In addition, the statute of limitations shall be calculated from the time when the person knew or should have known that the right had been infringed. 2. Two years. If it is not a product quality problem, then the general statute of limitations for civil actions can be applied, that is, the statute of limitations for requesting the people's court to protect civil rights is two years, unless otherwise provided by law. Because consumers purchase counterfeit goods, it can be considered as contract fraud, so the general provisions of the statute of limitations for civil actions can be applied, that is, the statute of limitations is calculated as two years.
3. Compensation standards for counterfeit goods. Compensation standards for counterfeit goods can generally be stipulated by the merchants themselves. The most common situation is to hang a sign in front of the product or store that reads "Fake one, compensate ten", "Fake one, compensate ten." Pay three," "Fake one, pay five," and so on. However, the minimum standard for compensation for counterfeit goods, according to the provisions of the Consumer Rights Protection Act, is the amount of money spent to purchase the goods, multiplied by three times. If the amount is less than 500 yuan, the compensation will be 500 yuan. In other words, the minimum compensation standard for fake goods is 500 yuan. The above is the relevant legal knowledge about the definition standards of counterfeit goods compiled for you. In summary, it can be seen that counterfeit goods are generally goods that have one or more unreal factors that can cause the general public to misunderstand them.