Wang Laoji is Wang Laoji and Jiaduobao is Jiaduobao. Wang Laoji authorized Jiaduobao to manage Wang Laoji's cans, while the boxed Wang Laoji was managed by Wang Laoji's own family, so the packaging styles of the two were so different. After Wang Laoji of Rigadeau Bao sang, the last sentence was always "boxed". Jiaduobao has strong funds and channels, and Wang Laoji is the sole owner of the formula and brand. They use each other and make money together. The brand of Red Cans Wang Laoji was leased to Hong Kong Hongdao Group by Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group and sold by Jiaduobao Group under Hongdao Group. The green boxed Wang Laoji was sold by GPHL himself. Whether it is a red can or a green box, Wang Laoji's formula belongs to GPHL.
The owner of Wang Lao Ji's trademark is Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group, and people don't give it to him!