The registration process under the Trademark Law is: trademark inquiry → submission of application → payment of trademark registration fees → trademark formal review, trademark acceptance → substantive review → announcement → issuance of trademark certificate. The fees that need to be paid are determined by type and quantity according to the regulations of the price management department and the financial department of the State Council in conjunction with the patent administration department of the State Council. Generally, a trademark costs 300 yuan.
Prepare information
1. If you apply for registration under the name of a company, you must provide a copy of the business license, and the official seal must be stamped on the copy of the business license;
2. If you apply for registration in your own name, you need to provide a copy of your personal ID card and a copy of the individual industrial and commercial household's business license. The copy of the individual industrial and commercial household's business license must be stamped with the official seal;
3. Provide trademark text or drawings. If the color needs to be protected, color drawings are also required;
4. Provide the goods/services to be registered, which can be based on the goods operated by the applicant or the services provided by the applicant, with reference to the " Fill in the ninth edition of the "International Classification of Goods and Services for the purpose of trademark registration" (Nice Classification) and the "Classification Table of Similar Goods and Services" modified by the Trademark Office based on the above-mentioned international classification table;
5. Provide official seal Or a signed "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney", which can be obtained from this website; especially note that the address on the "Trademark Agency Power of Attorney" should be exactly the same as the registered address on the business license.
Submit applications according to the categories of goods and services.
1. When applying for registration, the category of goods or services for which the trademark is used should be determined according to the classification of the goods and services classification table;
2. The same applicant uses the trademark on different categories of goods. For the same trademark, registration applications should be submitted according to different categories.
The application date is determined based on the date the Trademark Office receives the application.
The next step is the three procedures of trademark review, preliminary review announcement, and registration announcement.
Receive the trademark registration certificate.
To sum up, when a trademark holder finds that the trademark is about to expire, he should apply for renewal as soon as possible. There are two ways to handle it yourself in the lobby of the Trademark Office or to entrust an agent to handle it. First prepare the materials, then submit and pay the fee at the lobby window. The renewal fee is 1,000 yuan. After review and approval, the staff will issue a new trademark registration certificate to the party concerned.
Legal basis:
"Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
Article 4
Article 4 of the Trademark Law The geographical indications specified in Article 16 may be registered as certification marks or collective marks in accordance with the provisions of the Trademark Law and these Regulations.
If a geographical indication is registered as a certification mark, a natural person, legal person or other organization whose goods meet the conditions for the use of the geographical indication may request to use the certification mark, and the organization that controls the certification mark shall allow it. If a geographical indication is registered as a collective trademark, a natural person, legal person or other organization whose goods meet the conditions for the use of the geographical indication may request to join the group, association or other organization that has registered the geographical indication as a collective trademark. The group, association or other organization The organization shall be admitted as a member in accordance with its articles of association; groups, associations or other organizations that are not required to participate in the registration of the geographical indication as a collective trademark may also use the geographical indication legitimately, and the group, association or other organization has no right to prohibit it.