The top ten well-known trademarks in China are:
Serial number Trademark name Trademark value (100 million yuan) Industry
1 Hongtashan 46.866 Cigarettes
2 Wuliangye 44.337 liquor
3 Lenovo 43.531 computer
4 Haier 39.523 refrigerator
5 Dongfeng 39.116 automobile
6 Changhong 37.284 TV
7 Vanke 36.225 Real estate leasing, real estate management
8 Wahaha 36.011 Beverages
9 Changyu 34.339 Wine
10 Galanz 32.117 Microwave oven
China Famous Trade Mark refers to a trademark that has been recognized as a "well-known trademark" by the competent authority (Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board or the People's Court) in accordance with legal procedures.
"Well-known Trademark" (Well-known TrademarK), also known as a well-known trademark, first appeared in the "Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property" signed in 1883 (hereinafter referred to as the "Paris Convention"). my country joined the Convention in 1984 and became its 95th member state. Like other member states that have joined the Paris Convention, special legal protection for well-known trademarks in accordance with the provisions of the Convention has become an important part of my country's trademark legal work.