am Archmage
mk King of the Hill
pal Paladin
Understanding the terminology is essential for better communication on BN It is necessary. The text listed below does not include everything you will hear. For some commonly used words, Blizzard's official website does not include them. The reason is probably because those words are not polite. However, those words are displayed here, but of course I don’t want everyone to use them in the game.
gt; >
Refers to "anti-air", usually used to refer to units capable of attacking air targets, as well as those units specifically designed to destroy flying units. For example, troll headhunters, archers, musketeers, and crypt demons.
Abuse certain tactics and troops that are easy to win. For example, if someone suddenly discovers a tactic that makes full use of Naga Sea Witch's magic shield and uses it every 20 games in a row, that might be called Abusive by other players.
Aim #
Used to quickly notify your allies to focus on attacking a specific unit. Usually # refers to the level of a wild creature or hero. For example, there are two level 5 wild creatures, one at level 6 and one at level 2. Aim 6 means attacking the level 6 wild creature.
Refers to all flying units. Examples include Wyverns, Gargoyles, Hippogryphs, and Gyrocopters. Generally, they are divided into two types: light and heavy according to the power of a single unit.
The number of actions per minute. A standard developed by a third-party software that measures how quickly a person clicks a mouse and displays what is clicked, often used to roughly measure a player's skill.
Used as a verb to refer to retreat.
Origined from Korea, it is a gentle curse word that implies that you are a beast. Please don't use it!
Bad Manner, rude.
Backstabbing is when a player deliberately places an ally at a disadvantage, usually without warning, and attempts to cause the ally to lose. This is considered a very dirty trick and may result in cdkey being banned from the ladder. Bser refers to players who have the above behavior.
A magic or skill that has a lasting beneficial effect on a unit. Such as inner fire and bloodlust.
Players who never expand, but build defense towers to defend their base.
Refers to all units whose main function is to release magic. Such as witch, shaman, banshee, and druid of the claw.
Used to refer to tactics that are looked down upon by most people for some reason or another: maybe because there is little depth, little skill, or just superficial appearance. There is an overwhelming advantage. These tactics are often used in the early stages of the game, and often rely on surprise, coupled with some luck, and are often all-or-nothing. Once this tactic is defeated, it is usually impossible to rally and defeat the opponent.
Newbie, also from Korea.
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Creep and Counter/CC
Upgrade yourself with rapid MF around the map hero, and then counterattack the actions the opponent is about to take, such as harassing or teching.
The process of gaining experience points and items by clearing wild units.
Creep Jacking
Sneak attack the enemy when they attack wild units, i.e. Creeping.
Defense, the abbreviation of defense, usually refers to defensive buildings such as defense towers. For example tell your allies to get some d.
A term from StarCraft. It means pulling the injured unit away from the battlefield and quickly returning to the battlefield, or moving your attacked unit to let the enemy pursue it.
Direct damage is used to describe magic or skills that can cause damage to units and areas when used.
Don’t die (lose).
Magic or skill that produces continuous negative effects on units. Such as curses and slowdowns.
Used as a verb to expand to establish a new base. As a noun, it refers to a sub-base or a resource point that can create a sub-base.
The Frozen Throne: Reign of Chaos expansion pack.
Focused Fire
All units attack a target.
Good Game, excellent game. Usually spoken by the losing player to indicate the end of the game. If a player says GG too early, it is ironic that the opponent has already lost.
Good Luck. Have Fun.
Experts and masters are also from South Korea.
The main goal of continuous hit-and-run tactics is not to cause damage to the opponent, but to interfere with the opponent's ability and efficiency to perform macro and micro operations. (Usually just use harass. You have to really respect the grammar and use harassing. Foreigners will definitely say "Obviously your native language is not English")
Have fun.
Kill them all.
Elite player, master.
Lots of Laugh or Laughing Out Loud. Laugh loudly. Not commonly used, often replaced by "hehehehe" or "hahahaha".
The abbreviation of macro operation refers to operations related to building troops, building bases, and economic aspects.
Refers to units that stand at the front of the battlefield to attract damage, such as Orc infantry.
Refers to those units whose main function is melee combat. Such as orc infantry, foot soldiers, huntresses, and ghouls.
Abbreviation for micro-operation, which refers to issuing orders to troops during combat. Such as pulling injured units away from the heat of battle or concentrating fire on a priority target.
A set of files used to change game data, unit attributes, etc. While fun for single player, it's not playable on Is the abbreviation of forum moderators.
Autocast skills.
Mike O'Brain Pack, Mike O'Brien Packet. A compressed file format used by Blizzard. All game data uses this format.
Do several things at the same time. For example, build troops and open bases when attacking.
Refers to a novice or a player who is not good at playing.
Abbreviation for Newbie.
No Map
It means that there is no use or do not use the map cheat.
Newbies, people who have just started to play games. It is also used to ridicule those who are incompetent. Please don't use it!
Used as a verb, it refers to the continuous use of direct damage skills to quickly kill a unit.
A general term for farmers in Warcraft 2.
Perfect Play (PP)
Perfect play.
Rebuild. Usually used to ask someone for another plate.
Usually used to refer to maps that give certain players an unfair advantage. (Usually custom maps)
Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos
Used as a verb to refer to Build a hero and some troops as quickly as possible, and then attack the enemy as early as possible to end the game at the first level base. Used as a noun to refer to this tactic.
High-level players create new accounts and pretend to be newbies to play with inexperienced players.
Used as a verb, such as use your mountain gaint to tank, it refers to the unit's ability to withstand damage and is usually used to protect other units. When used as a noun, such as A kinght makes a good tank, it refers to a unit that can be used as a human shield.
To climb technology, it is used as a verb. For example to tech means building buildings and researching upgrades to reach a certain position on the tech tree so that you can build a specific unit. For example, going to tech to tier 3. Usually it needs to be coordinated by harassing and building defenses. (fast-tech refers to the tactics of fast technology)
The Frozen Throne, Reign of Chaos expansion pack.
The status of the main base. The game starts at Tier 1, and this level increases each time the main base is upgraded, up to Tier 3. It can also be abbreviated as t1/t2/t3, or replaced by main. Tier is the level of the techtree. Some units are considered Tier 1 such as Grunts, Footmen, and Archers while later units are Tier 2, and Tier 3.
Tower Rushing/Offsensive Towering/Tower Pushing/TR
Build defense towers at the enemy's base as a means of attack.
Abbreviation of Trigger, trigger. A conditional/action statement typically used to execute in a game and can be created using the map editor.
Used as a verb, it refers to placing many defense towers in the base when you are advancing technology.
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; >
Rifle/Caster: Musketeer Witch Priest
--- -------------
Foot: Infantry
Rifle or Roofle Musketeer
Sorc Witch
WE or Ely Water Element
Dhawk Dragonhawk Knight
Tank Siege Machine
Gyro Flying Machine
AM Archmage
MK King of the Hill
Pala or Pally Paladin
BM Blood Mage
Rax Barracks
Shop Shop
SMith Blacksmith Shop
Mill Lumberyard
Sanctum Mysterious Sanctuary
Aviary Griffin Cage
Bliz Blizzard(tm) (Really cautious... A spell with the same name as the company name Don’t forget to mark the registered trademark)
WE Water Element
Brilli Brilliance Halo
Mass Group Teleport
Bolt or SB Storm Hammer
Clap Thunder Strike
Big God Descends to Earth
HL or Light Divine Light
DS or Shield Divine Shield
DA or Devotion Focus Aura
FS Firestorm
Siphon Magic Drain
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
--------------- -
Chainwave: Chain Lightning Shockwave
Gruntapult: Grunt siege engine. This tactic is often used by the First Prophet to harass enemy peasants. When the level 1 base is built, double barracks will be built to produce grunts, and when the level 2 base is built, siege engines will be produced. This tactic is most effective against NE, but is also effective against races that insist on putting out ground troops. Grunts have an advantage when attacking units with medium armor, and siege engines have an advantage when attacking units without armor or reinforced armor.
Bat/Wyv: Troll Bat Rider and Wind Rider. Harassment is crucial in this tactic because almost no first-level units, such as Gollum, are created. It's best to harass them with Juggernauts and Prophets, and then build one or two arrow towers. Quickly upgrade to the second level base and build two animal pens. After completion, start to quickly spawn the Storm Rider and Troll Bat Rider. Bats are very effective against light air units like Horned Eagles, and have decent damage against structures. Wind Knights are very effective against ground melee units like Huntresses because the opponent cannot attack them. But it is not conducive to fighting a large number of ground long-range troops.
HH Troll Headhunter
Zerker Troll Berserker
Cate or Demo Siege Vehicle
Wolves Ghost Wolf
Wyv or Vern Wind Knight
Bat Giant Devil Bat Rider
Doc Witch Doctor
Sham Shaman
SW or Walker Soul Walker
Cow Tauren
FS or Seer Prophet
BM Juggernaut
TC or Chieftan Tauren Chieftain
SH Shadow Hunter
Rax Barracks
Mill War Mill
p>Lodges Soul Home
Totem Tauren Totem
CL or Chain Lightning
BL: Bloodthirst
Wolves Beast Ghost
FS Perspective
Quake means Earthquake
WW Wind Step
MI Mirror
Crit or Criti Critical Strike
BS Blade Storm
Wave or SW Shockwave
Stomp or WS War Stomp
End or EA Endurance Halo
Wave Or HW Healing Wave
BBV or Voodoo Voodoo
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt ;gt;gt;gt;
Night Elf
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt ;gt;gt;
Chippo Chimera Horned Eagle
p>Archer/DotT Archer Raptor Druid
Drys/Bears Dryad Master-Level Druid
- ---------------
Lista or Glaive
Dry Dry
p>DotT or Talon Raptor Druid
DotC or Bear Talon Druid
MG Mountain Giant
FD Fairy Fire
p>Hippo or Gryph
DH Demon Hunter
KoG or KotG Jungle Guardian
PoM or PotM Priestess of the Moon
AoW or AoWar Ancient Tree of War
Hall or HH Hunter Hall
Shop or AoWonders Shop
AP or Prot Ancient Guardian
p>MW or Wells Moon Well
AoL or Lore Ancient Tree of Knowledge
AoWind Ancient Tree of Wind
Roost Chimei
Pulling the Perch
ToL Tree of Life
FF fairy fire, also refers to concentrated fire
MB mana burning
Immo sacrifice
Eva dodge
Meta demon transformation
Roots or Entangle root entanglement
Fon or Treants force of nature
Thorns or TA thorn aura
Tranq tranquility
Owl Owl Reconnaissance
Searing or Fire Searing Arrow
TS or Trueshot Strike Halo
SF Stars Fall
SS Shadow Raid
Fok Blade Fan
Vengeance Spirit of Vengeance
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt ;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;
gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt ;gt;gt;gt;gt;gt;
Wagonmancer :Wizard Meat Wagon
Abomshee: Banshee
Mass Ghouls or Mass Goos: Fiend/Stats: Cave Demon Tokachi Stone Statue
Goo Ghoul
Abo Or Abom Abomination
Dessy Or Destro Or Dest Destroyer
Nec Wizard
Shee Banshee
Stat Tokachi Stone Statue
p>Garg Gargoyle
Wyrm Ice Dragon
Aco Acolyte
DK Death Knight
DL Fear Lord
p>CL Crypt Lord
Yard Cemetery
Temple or TotD
Pit Sacrificial Abyss
AMS: Anti-Magic Shell
Coil: Death Coil
Pact or DP: Death Pact
Unholy or UA: Evil Aura
AD Manipulate the Dead
Vamp Vampire Aura
Beetles Carrion Beetles
Carapace or Spikes Barbed Carapace
FN Frost Nova
FA Frost Armor
p>DND Death and Decay
gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt; gt;
Neutral units
BM or Cheesemaster Tamer
BM: Panda Brewmaster
PL Abyss Lord
NSW or Naga Naga Sea Witch
DR Dark Ranger
Tinker Goblin Tinker
Sapper Goblin Engineer
Zep or Zeppelin Goblin Airship
Shredder Goblin Harvester
------- ----------
Lab Goblin Laboratory
--------------- -
Quil summons a porcupine
Rof rain of fire
Howl or Hot howl of terror
Cleave split attack
Bof Flame Breath
Haze Wine Mist
Brawler Drunken Master
Sef Fire and Earth Storm
MS Magic Shield
Drain Life Drain
Goblins or Factory Pocket Factory
Rockets Missile Bombing
------- ---------
Pot bottle (blood bottle and magic bottle)
Dust Developing Dust
Boots Speed ??Boots