You can see many famous brands of clothes, shoes, bags, etc. wherever you go now. If any merchant says it is a brand, people who don’t understand it can only listen to what they say casually. But like me I had worn a half-sleeve shirt with Puma printed on it that cost tens of yuan before. If my friend who was dining with me hadn’t asked about it, I wouldn’t have known it was such a coincidence. Therefore, it is not surprising to sue that startup company because of similar trademarks. After all, there are too many similar trademarks and similar product names. Suing them is also to prevent opportunists from taking advantage of them. Whether the trademarks are similar or not depends on whether the original intention of the designer who designed the trademark really wants to ride on Apple's popularity to make his own products popular. If he really has the ability and ideas to design trademarks, he will not design anything similar to Apple's. Works with similar trademarks.
Whether apples and pears are similar or not depends on the types of apples and pears.
As far as I know, there are currently four types of pears that I know of, such as snow pear, Ya pear, Apple pear, Korla fragrant pear. Of course, there must be other varieties that I don’t know about. pear. There are many types of apples, as many as hundreds, such as the red Fuji we often eat, green apples, golden crowns, etc.
Let’s take the actual products I saw before as an example. I have the habit of shopping for many kinds of fruits. Once I planted oranges and they were out of stock, I replaced them with pears. When I received the goods, I opened the box. For a moment, I thought I was seeing a green apple, because its shape is the same as an apple and its color is green. If you ignore the dots on the pear, you won’t know it is a pear unless you eat it.
Take the apple pear as an example. The name apple pear comes from the fact that its appearance is very similar to an apple. It is not all green like the pears I have eaten before. Yes, its skin is also partially red, and it is so fake that it looks like the real thing, so it is called an apple pear. Therefore, some businesses take advantage of this similarity to realize their dreams of getting rich.