Whether the trademark right will be infringed depends on whether the trademark owner authorizes you to use the brand. As long as the act is authorized, it not only does not harm the interests of the producer of genuine goods, that is, the trademark owner, but its advertising behavior increases the popularity of goods, promotes the circulation and sales of goods, and brings economic benefits and trademark reputation to the trademark owner. Naturally, it will not infringe trademark rights.
Article 20 of the Intellectual Property Law of the People's Republic of China: The administrative department for industry and commerce of the State Council shall set up a trademark review and adjudication board to handle trademark disputes.
Intellectual Property Law Article 21 The Trademark Office shall notify the applicant in writing of a trademark that rejects the application or refuses to publish it. If the applicant is not satisfied, he may apply for reexamination within 15 days after receiving the notice, and the Trademark Review and Adjudication Board will make a final decision and notify the applicant in writing.