Trademark registration certificate number | It is displayed on the trademark registration certificate issued directly by the Trademark Office. The number in the upper right corner of the trademark registration certificate is the trademark registration number. 2. You can log in to the website of the Trademark Office of the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China to query: enter the trademark query interface, follow the relevant text prompts, and select comprehensive query or status query to view trademark information. 3. Entrust a formal trademark agency registered with the National Trademark Office to query the trademark registration number. 4. Go directly to the Trademark Office to submit a trademark search application.
How to register a trademark:
Trademark registration can be graphics, text, numbers, sounds, three-dimensional logos, etc. The principle of registration cannot be the same as an existing trademark.
You can apply for trademark registration online by yourself, you can also go to the trademark acceptance window of the local government agency to apply, or you can entrust an agency to apply.
The time period for trademark registration application is relatively long. It usually takes nearly a year from application to successful registration.
Trademark registration requires a certain fee. A category contains 10 goods or services, and additional fees will be charged for each category exceeding 10.
The first step is for the trademark applicant to submit relevant materials and apply for registration. In the second step, the Trademark Office shall conduct an examination in accordance with the law and shall complete the examination within nine months from the date of receipt of the trademark registration application documents. The period of opposition after examination shall be three months. In the third step, if the relevant conditions are met, the registration will be approved, a trademark registration certificate will be issued, and the trademark will be announced.
Legal basis: "Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China" Article 8 Any mark that can distinguish the goods of a natural person, legal person or other organization from the goods of others, including words, graphics, letters , numbers, three-dimensional logos, color combinations and sounds, etc., as well as combinations of the above elements, can be applied for registration as trademarks.