the origin of the well-known trademark protection system: with the development of international trade in the late 19th century and early 2th century, some trademarks gained high popularity, and the unfair competition behavior of copying and fraudulently using these high-known trademarks to promote products became increasingly serious. In 1911, at the Washington Diplomatic Conference to revise the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, France took the lead in proposing the issue of special protection for well-knownmark trademarks. In 1925, at the diplomatic conference in The Hague, the Netherlands and other countries put forward the proposal of protecting well-known trademarks again, and finally added the provisions on protecting well-known trademarks to the Paris Convention, which is the original legal document for protecting well-known trademarks in the world-the famous "Article 6 bis of the Paris Convention". Since then, not only the member countries of the Paris Convention have begun to protect well-known trademarks, but also some other countries have gradually joined the ranks of protecting well-known trademarks.
The historical evolution of China's well-known trademark protection system:
◆ The first stage, the stage of directly applying the Paris Convention to identify and protect well-known trademarks (1985-1995). In August 1982, China promulgated the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China, and began to restore and strengthen the legal protection of trademarks. In March 1985, China became a member of the Paris Convention, and gradually began to explore the protection of well-known trademarks. In July, 1993, when the State Council revised the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, it added provisions on the protection of "well-known trademarks". In the English version of the Detailed Rules for the Implementation of the Trademark Law, the words "well-known trademarks" and "well-known trademarks" are the same.
◆ The second stage is the stage of identifying and protecting well-known trademarks through the Interim Provisions on the Identification and Administration of Well-known Trademarks (1996-2).
the third stage, the stage of identifying and protecting well-known trademarks through the Trademark Law, the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law and the Provisions on the Identification and Protection of Well-known Trademarks (from 21 to present). In 21, China revised the Trademark Law for the second time, and subsequently promulgated the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law. The Trademark Law and the Regulations for the Implementation of the Trademark Law have increased the content of identification and protection of well-known trademarks, thus raising the legal basis for the protection of well-known trademarks from departmental regulations to national laws and regulations, and greatly strengthening the protection of well-known trademarks. So far, China's legal provisions on the protection of well-known trademarks have been completely consistent with international rules such as TRIPS Agreement.