When registering a trademark in Mexico, you usually need to prepare the following information:
1. Trademark drawing:
You need to provide a drawing of the trademark, which can be the name of the trademark. , graphic, logo or combination of logos. Make sure your trademark image is clear and legible.
2. Trademark classification:
Determine the international classification to which your trademark belongs, that is, the classification of goods and services. Mexico uses the international classification system (Nice Classification), and you need to determine the classification category that applies to your trademark.
3. Applicant information:
Provide detailed information of the trademark registration applicant, including name, address and contact information.
4. Priority certificate (if applicable):
If you have registered the same trademark in other countries or regions and want to apply for priority in Mexico, you need to provide the corresponding Document proving priority.
5. Power of attorney (if applicable):
If you entrust an agency to apply for trademark registration on your behalf, you may need to provide a power of attorney or the agency's authorization document.
6. Application fee:
You need to pay the application fee for trademark registration. Fees vary depending on the type of trademark, number of classifications and method of application. Please consult the Mexican trademark registration agency or professional agency for the latest fee information.
Please note that the above are general preparation materials, and specific requirements may vary depending on personal circumstances and trademark types. It is recommended that you consult the Mexican trademark registration agency or a professional trademark agency to ensure that you prepare complete trademark registration application materials.
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