Trademark registration number refers to the unique identification number issued by the trademark registration agency after the trademark is registered. It is an important identity mark obtained by a trademark during the trademark registration process.
Trademark registration numbers usually consist of a series of numbers, letters or symbols that uniquely identify a registered trademark. Each trademark registration authority has its own numbering system, and trademark registration numbers may differ in different countries/regions.
The function of a trademark registration number is to confirm the legal registration status of a trademark and play an important role in the maintenance and management of trademark rights and interests. Trademark rights holders can use the trademark registration number to prove their ownership of the trademark and defend their rights against trademark infringement.
The trademark registration number is also one of the important information on the trademark registration certificate. The trademark registration certificate is a legal document issued by the trademark registration agency to the trademark owner, confirming the registration rights of the trademark, and contains important information such as the trademark registration number, trademark drawing, and trademark owner.
The importance of a trademark registration number is that it can provide a clear identity of the trademark and facilitate trademark rights protection and management by the trademark owner. At the same time, others can check the registration status and rights information of the trademark through the trademark registration number.
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