When a trademark expires, the trademark owner may apply for trademark renewal. The renewal is usually put forward twelve months before the expiration of the trademark right, but the law gives a grace period of six months. That is, after the expiration of six months, the trademark owner can still apply for renewal. After the successful renewal of registration, the trademark right can be extended for another ten years, and the period is counted from the date of the end of the last validity period. Documents to be submitted by the trademark owner when applying for renewal: 1. Renewal application. 2. Relevant identity information materials of the parties, including the ID number, name and address of the parties. 3. Trademark registration certificate. 4. Other documents and materials prescribed by law.
Legal objectivity:
Article 39 of the Trademark Law of People's Republic of China (PRC) shall be valid for ten years, counting from the date of approval of registration.