How to query the trademark number: The parties can log in to the official portal of the National Trademark Office, find the corresponding search bar, and enter the trademark name or trademark number to query relevant information. According to relevant legal provisions, the Trademark Office sets up a "Trademark Registration Book" to record registered trademarks and related registration matters.
Legal Basis
Article 94 of the "Regulations on the Implementation of the Trademark Law of the People's Republic of China"
The Trademark Office sets up a "Trademark Registration Book". Record registered trademarks and related registration matters.
Article 95
The "Trademark Registration Certificate" and related certificates are proof that the obligee enjoys the exclusive right to register a trademark. The registration matters recorded in the "Trademark Registration Certificate" should be consistent with the "Trademark Registration Book"; if the records are inconsistent, the "Trademark Registration Book" shall prevail unless there is evidence to prove that the "Trademark Registration Book" is indeed wrong.