Of course, the following is my opinion on distinguishing between true and false. I hope you can benefit from it. Of course, this is not authority, so you can not believe it.
For the buyers in China, the only thing you can feel that you are buying genuine goods is the trademarks of China, such as ALTER in Shanghai and Toys R Us in Guangzhou. This is also the only proof of your rights protection and quality assurance. After making sure that the handmade products and boxes are in good condition, all you need to do is to determine the agent trademark at the bottom of the box.
This is my opinion, and I hope you like it. ?
2 Integrated pop is made by Megahouse and made of pvc.
It was first published around 2004, and it is still out now.
The popular protagonists are basically copied, so the price is not too high. Of course, everyone is different.
Luffy and Sauron are around 200+, Nami Robin is a little more expensive, then Francci, Wu Skull and so on.
Of course, Qiao Ba is as small as 100+
Many supporting roles have not been re-carved, so many of them have been fired to sky-high prices. For example, the price in Heavy Smoker is close to 2000, and there are Tashigi, mr.2, Wei Wei and so on. It is also around 600.
I'm talking about the licensed price in Chinese mainland. If you want the Japanese version of Golden Cat, the one for 50 yuan is even more expensive. However, because there is little difference between the first edition and the second edition, there is not much difference in price.
3POP is a 1/8 PVC model produced by MEGAHOUSE. These statues are all 22 centimeters high.
Popular childhood? Is it made by MEGAHOUSE, too? It's a small series when I was a child. When I was a child, pirates were like this.
Little POP is a humanoid box egg produced by Bandai. Because of the meticulous workmanship, it is similar to POP, so the characters are all 12cm tall.
Q version is a snack produced by Bandai, and the workmanship is also very good. This figure is about 3 centimeters.
4 Zhongguancun has an animation city?
I suggest we start with POP and Luffy. The pictures I sent are all POP and neo. What do you think?