The complaint telephone numbers on Taobao are divided into Taobao complaint telephone number and Tmall complaint telephone number, as follows:
1. Taobao consumer complaint telephone number: 9510211; 0571-88158198;
2. Taobao merchant complaint hotline: 0571-88157858;
3. Tmall consumer complaint hotline: 9510211; 400-860-8608;
4. Cat merchants’ complaint hotline: 400-860-8608;
5. Tmall International’s complaint hotline: 400-843-2288.
/"target="_blank"title=""class="ikqb_img_alink"gt;/ 3ba728894a4c27d1e254c?x -bce-process=image2Fresize2Cm_lfit2Cw_6002Ch_8002Climit_12Fquality2Cq_852Fformat2Cf_auto"esrc="/c2cec3fdfc03924586b3ba728894a4c27d1e254c"/gt;
Extended information
1. Taobao order
1. Complaint scenario
Problems with delivery, failure of sellers to fulfill their promises, and malicious harassment.
2. Complaint conditions
Buyers can initiate complaints within 15 days from the payment of the order to the completion of the transaction. The completion of the transaction means that the order status is transaction closed or transaction successful.
2. Tmall orders
1. Complaint scenario
Delivery issues, seller’s promises not fulfilled, malicious harassment.
2. Complaint conditions
Buyers can initiate complaints within 15 days from the payment of the order to the completion of the transaction. The completion of the transaction means that the order status is transaction closed or transaction successful.
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