1. There are different concepts between a trademark and a brand:
A trademark refers to a symbol composed of words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional symbols, color combinations and the combination of the above elements, which is used in the classification of goods or services to distinguish goods or services from different sources.
A brand is an intangible asset that brings a premium to its owner and generates value-added. Its carrier is a name, term, symbol, symbol or design and their combination used to distinguish it from other competitors' products or services. The source of value-added comes from the impression of its carrier formed in consumers' minds.
2. The value sources of trademarks and brands are different:
A trademark is a symbol used to distinguish the sources of goods or services, and its value comes not only from its popularity, but also from its legitimacy. Registered trademarks are more valuable than unregistered trademarks.
and the value of brand mainly comes from the quality of products and the trust of consumers.
3. The components of trademarks and brands are different:
The components of trademarks mainly include words, graphics, letters, numbers, three-dimensional signs, color combinations and sounds, all of which are tangible.
the components of a brand are made up of tangible and intangible parts. Tangible parts include: names, patterns, colors, characters, symbols, etc. Intangible parts include: brand communication, promotion, maintenance, management, sales, public relations and so on.
4. Trademarks and brands have different time limits:
The time limit for trademarks depends on the law, while the time limit for brands depends on the market. All countries in the world use trademarks for a certain period of time. China's Trademark Law stipulates that the use period of trademarks is 1 years, and they can continue to use them after the expiration.
brands are different. even if the law allows enterprises to continue to use them, if the market acceptance of brands continues to decrease, brands will lose their vitality and face the risk of extinction.