ホンダは In the 1980s, the brand name "デザイン検曰ループを" was established, and it came to more than 2,500 from all over the world.ン case から、Now 3 strings スピーカーのよう なTrademark, ieち,Hに枠をはめたshapedにdeterminationした.
図码中のHは、ホンダの発音Hondaのイニシャルである. このマークは, the creation of technology, the completeness of the technician, the firmness of the technician, the specialness of the technician, the feeling of tension, the tension, and the ease of the tension.している.
ホンダS500 (S500 is an early car name and cannot be connected with subsequent articles.) Soichiro Honda, founder of Honda Giken Industrial Co., Ltd. (i.e., Honda Automobile) in 1946, and his surname The company name and trademark of をその are used by いた.
"H"は, "HONDA" automatic car and "HONDA" オートバイの図-shaped trademark であり, "HONDA" の日本読みである "HONDA" のイニシャルである. ホンダAutomobile's trademark における"HM"は, "HONDA MOTOR"'s abbreviation であり, その2 character の上にhawk's wings があるのは, "Leap するホンダのTechnology" "The future of the company" Xiang徴している.
"The harmony between people and cars, cars and the environment" is the direction of development, dynamic, luxurious, and consistent style. High power performance design, low fuel consumption, low pollution technical target, advanced practical design, excellent manufacturing quality, consistent safety and quality, and more customer satisfactionきつけるのがホンダ の思である. "H" is the famous brand of the world, the basics of starting a business, and the soul of success in "H".