Trademark is one of the means of intellectual property protection. Trademark represents the quality and reputation of a service and product. The trademark protection system is perfect, but there are Geographical restrictions.
Registered trademarks
Trademarks can be used without registration. Trademarks approved and registered by the Trademark Office of the State Council Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China are registered trademarks of the People's Republic of China.
Natural persons, legal persons or other organizations, for their production, manufacture, If the goods processed, selected or distributed, and the services provided need to be distinguished from others in China, you should apply for trademark registration.
Internet-related intellectual property rights
The website name is used as an information service mark. If exclusive rights are required, they should be registered as trademarks...; Web design should adopt copyright protection; software programs that are novel, creative, and practical should consider applying for patents; Internet intellectual property protection must also use the trade secret law comprehensively&reverse Fair competition law & contract law and other means. More trademark issues
Related intellectual property symbols Trademark symbols - commodity trademarks and service marks that have been registered with the Trademark Office (application for registration), or the holder declares that they have rights SM is also used.
Example: Google's google?; registration symbol - a trademark approved for registration by the Trademark Office, which is administratively recognized.
Example: Yahoo trademark copyright symbol - with a certain A tangible form of expression of creativity, a symbol that indicates that this expression is protected by copyright and cannot be copied. It belongs to the copyright protection system.