ArcTeryx is famous for its backpacks, but their outdoor clothes are also excellent. Many people think ArcTeryx and Mountain Hardware are the best outdoor clothing manufacturers in North America. It's hard to say who is the best, but ArcTeryx's things are well done in detail.
Archaeopteryx is Canada's top outdoor brand. It was founded in VANCOUVER, Canada in 1989, and its headquarters, design studio and main production line are still in Vancouver. Because of its crazy pursuit of new technology and new technology, it has grown into a recognized leading outdoor brand in North America and even the world in just over ten years, and has good products in the field of clothing and backpacks. Its products are mainly involved in hiking, climbing and snow sports.
the name and trademark pattern of p>Arc'teryx come from Archaeopteryx, the earliest bird known to mankind, and the pattern image is based on the "Berlinspecimen" discovered in Berlin around HMN188, which is the most complete archaeopteryx fossil so far. Therefore, Arc'teryx brand is generally called "Archaeopteryx" in Chinese, commonly known as "bird", "bird" or "Canadian bird", to distinguish it from another American brand Osprey, American bird. Insulated Outerwear series; Windstopper-Loft series;
Gore-tex PacLite series; Ascent Softshells series;
Windstopper series; Polartec Power Shield series;
Stretch Wovens series; Polylaminates series;
Insulation series; Base Layer series;
Descent-Softshells series; Descent-Insulation series. SV-Severe Use Wizard Level
AR-All-Round Use Multipurpose
LT-Light Lightweight
SL-Super Light Ultra-Lightweight
MX-Mixed Use
SK-Ski Specialized Ski
RT- Rolltop Roll. Waterproof
M-Mountain mountaineering use
LS-Long Sleeve design
SS-Short Sleeve design.