No matter in which country the trademark is registered and applied for, trademark inquiry will be conducted before the trademark is registered and applied for, so as to avoid the situation that the trademark is rejected or objected during the registration application. So if I need to register and apply for a trademark in Canada, how do I make a trademark inquiry?
the first step of Canadian trademark inquiry
those who need to register to apply for a Canadian trademark find the official website of the Canadian Intellectual Property Office and click enter, and the following page will appear
The second step of Canadian trademark inquiry
After entering the page above, drop it down to the area below, click enter the red line box selection area
The third step of Canadian trademark inquiry
Click enter the red line box selection. The following page will appear
Step 3 of Canadian trademark inquiry
After clicking to enter the red line box selection area, the following page will appear
Step 5 of Canadian trademark inquiry
When entering the above page, pay attention to reading the information of the red line box selection area in the above picture, and fill in the trademark information to be found in the following two picture areas
Step 6 of Canadian trademark inquiry
After filling in the above two picture areas, click the red line box below.