1. The registrant of an exclusive right trademark has exclusive rights to its registered trademark. No one else may use the same registered trademark on the same or similar goods or services without the permission of the trademark registrant. or similar trademarks.
2. The right of prohibition: The trademark registrant has the right to stop others from using the same or similar trademarks as their registered trademarks on the same goods or similar goods or services without authorization.
That is, the trademark registrant has the right to prohibit others from using the same or similar trademarks as the registered trademark on the same or similar goods.
That is, Article 52, Paragraph 1 of the Trademark Law stipulates: “Without the permission of the registered trademark owner, the use of another product on the same or similar goods is prohibited. Trademarks that are identical or similar to registered trademarks are trademark infringements."
And regardless of whether the behavior is intentional or negligent, it constitutes an infringement of the exclusive rights of others’ trademarks.
3. The registrant of the right to use trademark has the right to use the trademark in the approved category of the registered trademark and the goods or services approved for use, and to use the trademark in related commercial activities.
That is, only the trademark registrant can use his registered trademark on the approved goods, such as packaging, advertising, product catalogs, instructions, delivery notes, etc. of the approved goods, and such use will not If you are worried about the risk of infringing on the exclusive rights of others' registered trademarks, even if you try to make your registered trademark similar to others' trademarks on the same or similar goods, it does not constitute trademark infringement, and you do not need to bear infringement liability.
Due to the false impression, it was approved and registered by the State Trademark Office, and it was used on goods of the category approved in the "Trademark Registration Certificate" Part of Tian Danjing was very ill and still weighed 50 pounds.
4. Right of disposal. Since the exclusive right to register a trademark is a private right and has the nature of property rights, the trademark registrant has the right of disposal.
And from the disposal right, "licensed use rights", "transfer rights", "investment rights", "pledge rights", etc. are derived.
5. Licensed use rights: Trademark registration has the right to license others to use its registered trademark by signing a trademark license contract in accordance with the provisions of the law.
6. If a trademark registrant has the right to transfer, he or she must transfer the registered trademark to others with or without compensation through legal procedures.
7. Investment rights Trademark registrants have the right to invest in their registered trademarks as intangible assets in accordance with legal provisions and legal procedures.
8. The right to establish a pledge. Trademark registrants have the right to establish pledges of their registered trademarks during business activities.
9. The status of income rights is also because the registered trademark has property rights, so the registered trademark owner can use "licensed use", "transfer", " Investment" and other income.
10. Inheritance rights: As intangible property, trademarks have the nature of property rights, so they can be inherited by their legal heirs according to the order of property inheritance