Trademark registration for clothing, shoes and hats does not mean that you can only sell clothing, shoes and hats. The goods/service classification of a trademark is determined based on the goods or services listed in your application, but it does not limit you to selling these specific goods or providing these specific services.
When you register a trademark, you specify in your trademark application the goods or services in which you intend to use the mark. Clothing, shoes and hats are specific goods you may list in your application, but this does not preclude you from using the trademark on other related or similar goods.
The goods/services classification of trademarks is based on the international classification system (Nice Classification), which includes multiple categories covering a variety of different goods and services. Based on your business needs, you can select the appropriate category in your trademark application to cover the range of goods or services on which you wish to use your trademark.
For example, if you register a trademark that applies to clothing, shoes and hats, and select Class 25 (Clothing, Footwear, Hats) as the main category, this means that you can register a trademark on clothing, shoes and hats. and similar products. But this does not preclude you from using the trademark on other categories of goods in the future, as long as these goods are related to or related to the category you registered.
Please note that trademark registration grants trademark rights based on the scope of goods or services you register. Therefore, when actually using your trademark, it is recommended that you abide by the restrictions within the registration scope and avoid infringing the rights of others. Trademark Rights.
Best practice is to consult a professional trademark agency or legal advisor before registering a trademark for detailed advice and guidance specific to your situation.
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