How to identify the trademarks of fake and shoddy goods
Fake and shoddy goods are commonly known as shanzhai products on the Internet, which imitate the brand, packaging and products of genuine products with pirated copies to make profits in production and sales. The biggest feature of fake and shoddy products is poor quality and cheap price. Consumers tend to buy fake and shoddy products cheaply, or they may mistakenly think that they are genuine products because of the similarity of outer packaging products. Let's talk about the difference between fake and shoddy products and genuine products. China's trademark law stipulates that a registered trademark may include graphics, Chinese and English names, models, raw materials, quality, functional uses, quantity and weight of goods. That is to say, the trademark of a product should have the above contents, but the trademark of fake and shoddy products will not be fine and comprehensive. When identifying product trademarks, we should pay attention to the following points: 1. Trademarks registered by relevant departments will have the words of registered trademarks when printing trademarks. Regular product trademarks are printed on paper product packaging or other material packaging, and the trademark style is fine and complete. However, the trademarks of fake and shoddy products are obviously ambiguous, and the trademarks have no registered trademarks. 2. Durable products should be accompanied by a product quality certificate in the product packaging, and the manufacturer information of the product quality certificate includes the name and manufacturer address. At the same time, the product specification, product material composition and content will be indicated on the certificate. 3. Unique anti-counterfeiting trademarks of commodities. Some products, such as high-priced tobacco and alcohol, will have specific anti-counterfeiting trademarks. 4. Check the manufacturer's information of products, whether genuine products or fake and shoddy products will have the manufacturer's information. Goods without manufacturer information belong to three-no products, so be careful. 5, check the quality of goods, the quality of fake and shoddy goods can be clearly felt. The experience feels very bad. Now, with the development of science and technology, many apps have been developed on the software platform, such as the so-and-so search software, in order to let consumers inquire about the information of their purchased products after shopping. The inquiry range is quite wide enough to ensure the safety of the purchased goods and whether the products are formal or not. After talking about how to identify fake and shoddy products, let's talk about the relevant laws infringed by fake and shoddy products. In order to avoid the risk of being sued by genuine manufacturers when copying genuine products, fake and shoddy products will make some slight changes to their pirated products while copying genuine products in the cottage. For example, the logo of commodity packaging will change a word, add a word and so on. For example, the change of product content, the original genuine product is chocolate beans, and the pirated product is changed to sugar beans. These are all small calculations made by pirated businesses to evade the prosecution and rights protection of genuine businesses. We put forward the following specific methods on how to identify the trademarks of counterfeit and shoddy goods: 1. Look at the trademark information of products in outer packaging or inner packaging in detail; 2. According to the relevant provisions of China's trademark law, in order to protect the legitimate rights and interests of registered trademarks from infringement. In the Trademark Protection Law, the exclusive right to use a trademark is infringed: 3. It is exactly the same as the registered product trademark and is used by itself in order to obtain the consent of the registered trademark owner to use the trademark; 4. The product trademark is very similar to the registered trademark (homophonic, graphic and Chinese and English fonts) and has not been approved by the original trademark owner; Selling registered trademark products with extremely similar trademarks. Selling homemade forged trademarks, or trademarks that have not been registered by the trademark registration department, is also a fake and shoddy trademark. 5. The interests of the manufacturer of registered trademark products have been infringed. The above content is a concrete description of the act of infringing legal commodity trademarks and infringing the legitimate rights and interests of registered trademarks, and will also be sentenced to the crime of unfair competition according to the situation.