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What procedures and materials are needed for Federal Entrepreneurship Agency trademark registration?

Confirm the trademark category of the product or service you want to create,

1. Check whether your trademark name can be registered and what is the pass rate

2. Provide trademark registration materials. The company name requires a copy of the company license and the company seal. The individual name requires an individual business license and personal ID card. The rest of the materials will be made by an agency for you

3 .A trademark acceptance number will be issued 3 working days after submission to the General Administration of Trademark, indicating that the Trademark Office has received the document

A trademark acceptance notice will be issued within 4.3 months, indicating that the Trademark Office has begun to review your trademark< /p>

The result will be available in 5.9 months, either passed or rejected (partially rejected)

6. After passing, it will enter a 3-month announcement period and be publicized to the public. Anyone can file an objection to the trademark< /p>

No objection was raised during the announcement period. When it comes to typesetting and printing, it will take more than a month to issue the registration certificate

As for the price, if you find an agency, it will be around 1200 to 2000. Each agency Institutional qualifications, professionalism, and different prices may fluctuate

Qixiang Trademark