Everyone should know about wallpaper! Wallpaper has a very high utilization rate in our lives. It is a must-have when decorating living rooms and bedrooms. With the continuous development of wallpaper processing technology, wallpaper has become more and more popular. There has been a qualitative improvement in style and quality, and a lot of images and patterns have been incorporated into it, making it very beautiful and generous. Now that you put wallpaper on your home, you will immediately feel like home, especially warm. Do you know the wallpaper brand Nature? The market response of this brand is still very good. Let me introduce this brand to you!
Is Nature wallpaper good? Detailed introduction:
1. Introduction to the production situation of Nature Wallpaper Company:
1. Hangzhou Bina Industrial Co., Ltd., the trademark holder of Nature Wallpaper brand, is the first initiator of non-toxic decoration in my country. It is the first company in my country to successfully develop formaldehyde-free natural plant gum for indoor decoration. It is the first company in my country to formulate corporate standards for plant decorative gums and has industry guidance. It is also one of the drafting units of my country's national plant gum standards. one.
2. The company has a formaldehyde-free decorative materials research and development department, with several senior engineers majoring in biology engaged in quality control and new product development, with strong technical force. The company has fully passed ISO9001 international quality management system certification and ISO14001 international environmental management system certification.
3. Winning with quality and advancing with technology is the consistent purpose of Bina Industrial. Providing health services to users with first-class products is the company's development goal. Adhering to the non-toxic concept for scientific research and development has allowed Bina to be at the forefront of China's environmentally friendly products.
2. Price of nature wallpaper:
Natural wallpaper is positioned as a mid-to-high-end customer group, so the price range is 600-3000 (the price comes from the Internet and is for reference only). This price includes excellent after-sales service and product quality. The most important thing is that what you buy is environmentally friendly.
3. What about nature wallpaper?
“Life·Aesthetics·Home” is the promotional concept advocated by nature wallpaper, which integrates aesthetics into every home and every home through environmentally friendly wallpaper. in personal life. The foundation of aesthetics cannot be wallpaper that cannot even guarantee health. Environmentally friendly wallpaper that is pollution-free and non-toxic is in line with the quality of modern life and is also in line with the name of nature wallpaper
Nature Wallpaper is the leader in environmentally friendly wallpaper. As early as the end of the last century, we were determined to bring people environmentally friendly wallpaper that is pollution-free and non-toxic. In recent years, it has been loved and sought after by consumers. Let people pursue beauty while also getting safety protection.
The above is some information about nature wallpaper introduced by the editor. Everyone should understand it carefully. In this way, even if you need wallpaper when decorating your home in the future, you can solve it by yourself. Of course, wallpaper is also divided into many grades, and the quality and price of each grade are different. Therefore, when buying wallpaper, try to choose one with a higher cost-effectiveness that looks high-end and cheap. If you want to know about other brands, you can.
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