Surveillance cameras belong to the 0901 group, Category 9 of the trademark classification;
How to choose other minor categories when registering:
1. Select registration (recorded There is 1 trademark in the category of computer software (enabling users and/or software operators to control and monitor live images from security surveillance cameras through local area networks and remote Internet), group number: 0901), with a registration ratio of 3.7
2. Select to register (closed-circuit surveillance cameras, group number: 0908) There are 1 trademarks in the category, with a registration ratio of 3.7
3. Select to register (surveillance cameras, group number: 0908) There are 1 trademarks in the category ), with a registration ratio of 3.7
4. Select registration (monitoring equipment (computer hardware), group number: 0901) There are 1 trademarks in the category, with a registration ratio of 3.7
5. Select to register (online video server, group number: 0908), there is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 3.7
6. Select to register (electronic products, group number: 0908) There is 1 trademark in the category "Group No.: None"), with a registration ratio of 3.7
7. There is 1 trademark in the "Online Video Server, Group No.: 0901" category, with a registration ratio of 3.7.
7. 3.7
8. Select to register (network surveillance camera, group number: 0901) There are 1 trademarks in the category, and the registration ratio reaches 3.7
9. Select to register (special photography equipment and Utensil Box, Group No.: 0909). There is 1 trademark in the category, and the registration ratio is 3.7
10. There is 1 trademark in the category of (Optical Transceiver, Group No.: 0907), and the registration rate is 3.7. The proportion reaches 3.7