It is a formal review of a trademark registration application that usually takes about three months. After that, the Trademark Office issues a notice of acceptance and enters the substantive review. If there are no problems in the substantive review after about nine months, the trademark will be announced. The announcement period is three Month, no one objected, and the trademark registration was successful. Therefore, if every procedure for a trademark is successfully completed, it will take about fifteen months to complete the application.
Hello, it may take more than a month to check the acceptance information through the application number.
The key to trademark application lies in comprehensive search and professional risk assessment. Our official website can also provide trademark inquiries, and you can search by yourself.
Trademark application process: Trademark registration is generally divided into two types: individual and company applications. Documents required for personal application: (1) Copy of ID card (signature required); (2) Copy of self-employed license; (3) Application for trademark registration; (4) Power of attorney if required by an agency. Documents required for company application: 1. A copy of the business license (stamped) 2. Application for trademark registration; 3. A power of attorney if an agency is appointed. The overall process takes about 14-16 months, including the acceptance notice (about 1-2 months), substantive examination (9 months), announcement (3 months), and certification (about 2 months) ).