UNIX operating system (Eunice) is a powerful multi-user and multi-task operating system, which supports a variety of processor architectures. According to the classification of operating system, it belongs to time-sharing operating system. It was first invented by ken Thompson, dennis ritchie and Douglas mcilroy at AT&T in 1969. T's bell laboratory development. Its trademark right belongs to the International Open Standards Organization.
Linux is a Unix-like operating system and a kind of Unix. The kernel program that controls the basic services of the whole system is developed by Linus, and Linus chooses to publish it in the form of (GPL). With the increasing popularity of the Internet and the free copyright of Linux, countless computer experts have been attracted to develop and improve the Linux kernel.
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Related characteristics of Linux under GPL free copyright;
The copyright of GPL allows everyone to freely distribute the source code of Linux and modify the program according to their own needs, which makes Linux a very popular multi-tasking, free, stable and efficient operating system, which can be executed on many different computer system platforms, including i386, Sparc, Alpha, Mips and PPC.
Linux has the programming interface and running mode of Unix system, and it also inherits the characteristics of stability and efficiency of Unix. It is common for a host with Linux installed on the network to run continuously for more than one year without stopping or shutting down, but Linux does not need to bear huge copyright fees like Unix, nor does it need to be used on exclusive expensive hardware.
Linux can run efficiently on the general i386 PC, and naturally receives the program resources and users accumulated on Unix for decades.
Baidu encyclopedia -unix
Baidu Encyclopedia-The Birth of -LINUX
Baidu Encyclopedia-International Organization for Standardization