Hello, from a legal or normative perspective, each product or commodity can only have one name. The general theory is that a product name refers to the name of a product used to distinguish it from other products, and can be divided into general names and specific names.
Comparing the product name with the registered trademark, it can be known that, under normal circumstances, for the same product, the name of the product will not conflict with the registered trademark used on the product. The reason is: on the same product, if the name used to refer to the product complies with legal regulations, business practices or language specifications, and is the common name of the product, then the name cannot be approved for registration as a trademark; and vice versa . Under special circumstances, only when the name of the product is not a common name, but a new name or proprietary name, can it be approved for registration as a trademark.
Product names and product trademarks consisting of words as trademark elements are both concise words used on products, and they are both in a conspicuous state. The product name is in a conspicuous state to facilitate consumers to identify the type of product and its main raw materials or functions. The trademark is in a conspicuous state so that consumers can distinguish the source of the product and also inform consumers of the quality of the product.
Relevant laws: Article 11 of the "Trademark Law" The following signs shall not be registered as trademarks:
(1) Only the common name, graphics, and model of the product;
(2) Only directly express the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity and other characteristics of the goods;
(3) Other lack of distinctive features.
If the signs listed in the preceding paragraph acquire distinctive features through use and are easy to identify, they may be registered as trademarks.
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