I hope the following article will be helpful to buyers. It does not mean that when buying clothes, you must have genuine products and original orders, but authentic products have the price of the original product, and the original order has the price of the original order, and fake goods should naturally be fake goods. price (it does not rule out that the imitations have the same quality as the real ones). If you understand it, you will not be easily deceived.
Original foreign trade order (counter goods): It is truly designed by the brand owner and then in accordance with the The products processed from the main materials (including main fabrics) and auxiliary materials provided or approved by them are truly genuine. These clothes are made of premium materials and workmanship, and are definitely worthy of the quality and price of international brands. Since it is a specialty product, it is of course sold in other stores or shopping mall counters. Even if it is outdated or out-of-season styles, brand owners will get them out of OUTLET to clear them out, and they will not easily be sold to ordinary foreign trade stores on the market. . Therefore, the amount of money available is generally very small.
Foreign trade original order (tail goods): In fact, the full name of the original order often mentioned in the market should be the original order tail goods. What is the real tail goods? Some foreign trade clothing sales and wholesalers explain to their customers online that the source of their foreign trade clothing is the surplus of foreign trade orders. Specifically, for example, a foreign clothing company places an order for 1,000 sets of clothing processing companies in China, and the Chinese clothing processing company Out of careful consideration, the company actually processed 1,200 sets, and the extra 200 sets were converted to domestic sales. This is called tail goods. As soon as an insider looks at it, he will know that this is what a layman says.
There are usually two reasons for the appearance of tail goods and their ability to be sold on the market: First, due to delays in delivery of domestic OEMs, customers angrily cancel the entire batch of large goods. This kind of goods is impeccable, with all three standards, and almost no defects. In the past, it was often said that "export to domestic sales" refers to this kind of goods. In fact, the goods in this case are what domestic merchants dream of, but they are basically only suitable for some small brands that are not well-known abroad or are well-known abroad but have not yet set up counters in China, such as Hamp; M, the largest brand in the Netherlands, Denmark The third largest brand, BRANDTEX, etc., are rarely sold as famous brands in China.
The second situation: Since in the clothing production process, the probability of fabric damage is much higher than that of accessories, even big foreign brands with strict requirements will allow processing factories to have certain rights. Loss rate, usually 3-5, depending on the fabric. These 3 are actually the leeway left by the factory to itself, and the original tail goods we are talking about usually come from these 3. One kind of tail goods is when there is too much fabric. The factory processes the excess fabric into ready-made clothes without telling the customers and then sells them privately. However, in this case, very few original orders can be released, and due to copyright issues, usually all or part of it is unlabeled. Or cut the mark. The second type is defective products. In fact, there are many types of defective products. Since world-class brands have very high requirements for clothing quality, even if the defective products are eliminated, there are usually almost no traces of defective products. The most common situation is that the color casts and the washing water does not meet the requirements. It is said that those sharp-eyed merchandisers will immediately take it out as a defective product if they see a piece of wire skipped during processing on site. Those that violate detailed dimensions are also considered defective. The last garment they were asked to sew was exactly like the first garment! Even for such low-end goods, I can only say that some brands can be obtained, and some brands cannot be obtained. Many big brands such as CHANEL, LV, MOGEN, etc., because there are specialty stores in big cities in China, and they are afraid that the low-end goods will leak out. Impacting the business of specialty stores, even unqualified tail goods are strictly controlled! !
Foreign trade orders (purchasing orders): refers to some original order manufacturers who secretly use excess "original" fabrics and match them with a batch of domestic accessories (such as buttons, zippers, linings, etc.), using the same materials as the original products. The pattern is made into the original style, which is "following orders". Although the workmanship of "ordered goods" is sometimes relatively sloppy and the details are worse than those of counter goods, the key is that they have the same pattern and fabric as the genuine goods. The key is that the "blood" is the same, the effect is the same when worn, and because they are all produced by The specialty goods are produced by large manufacturers, so the quality and craftsmanship are not bad, and sometimes they are much better than genuine goods from some so-called famous brands in China.
What should I do when the manufacturer runs out of original fabrics and merchants are still chasing for goods? Fortunately, I still have the pattern in hand, so I purchase a batch of similar fabrics in China and process them according to the original version. This is called "purchasing orders." Generally, manufacturers consider long-term interests and purchase fabrics themselves that are not bad, so the quality of such products can be guaranteed. Therefore, when you encounter a style you particularly like, the price is very affordable, and many buyers don’t mind buying follow-up or follow-up orders.
Foreign trade manuals: produced by thousands of small domestic manual factories, are the worst quality, and are also the most common ones on the market. Small shops can be seen everywhere on the street, and the quality varies from good to bad. For more sophisticated ones, buy a genuine one and take it apart to make a pattern. At any rate, the model won’t be too different. But for most of the imitations, you just look at the fashion shows on TV or the photos of the brand’s ready-made clothes in magazines, and roughly piece together the appearance. . However, there are many unscrupulous bosses who still tell consumers: Oh, this is the original new model. Look, there are pictures in the magazines...
There are many levels of fake goods, such as super A goods, A goods, B goods, C goods, and super A or A goods are the best, and they can almost be fake. The best Super A can be as fine in workmanship as the original, and even the accessories are all purchased from famous brand original factories. The only difference may still be in the fabric. However, one characteristic of product A is that it is afraid that others will not know which brand it is imitating, so it will definitely cover the entire product with the brand's trademark. Famous brands without distinctive brand features and patterns are basically less likely to be counterfeited, because the focus of counterfeiting of A products is the trademark color. Goods B and C are pure flower stands. The appearance may have the same shape as the original order, but the tailoring of the details is very poor. The fabric is very poor, easy to deform, poor workmanship, broken threads, jumpers can be seen everywhere, and thread ends are everywhere. …
Generally speaking, the original order of sweaters is relatively large and the quantity is more advantageous. This is because woolen clothing is more prone to defects. The original orders of jeans are relatively small, and the sizes are difficult to complete, and the quantity is not large. The same goes for shoes. Brands such as T-shirts and jackets vary widely.
How to identify the true original order in foreign trade goods:
Defects: Some people like to carefully check the seams of the clothes when shopping for foreign trade goods, looking for traces of snagging or missing stitches. In fact, this is not the case, there are some loopholes. There are always "defective goods", but they may be the same brothers of the clothes in the specialty store. Generally speaking, after the finished products processed in China are shipped abroad, they must first be inspected by foreigners. The quality inspectors will pick out the clothes with problems, put a small red arrow next to the defect, and package them for "send back home." Although such foreign trade returns may have flaws, they are made of the highest quality fabrics and ingredients.
Seams, parquets, zippered striped shirts, and skirts made of large floral fabrics test the workmanship of foreign trade garments the most. The direction of the colorful stripes and the pattern arrangement of the exquisitely handmade clothes are determined in advance. At the shoulders, cuffs, and waist joints of the clothes, the strips of the same color on the left and right sides are exactly aligned and run in the same direction, and every lace of the flowers is embedded "perfectly". Such an approach not only requires careful design in advance, but also wastes fabrics, which is something that counterfeit manufacturers dare not do.
Sign-cutting: Don’t believe the so-called sign-cutting people. Those who easily punch a small hole or cut a small corner on the sign are basically trying to trick the uninitiated. For those products that are really forced to be destroyed, there will be no mercy when using scissors. They will either cut into a crescent shape and remove all the words on the trademark; or the trademark will be "uprooted", leaving only two sutures of the trademark vaguely visible. , I can’t let you recognize it anyway.
Fabric: To truly determine the quality of a foreign trade product, you still have to touch the fabric. The fabrics of big brands are generally provided directly from abroad and cannot be copied. Good fabrics must be soft and comfortable, but not lose their "muscle". For example, pure cotton with a high thread count has a thick texture and will not easily deform after being washed several times; good coat fabrics have a vague sheen and will not pill after being rubbed several times.
Buttons: Big brands will strictly control the entry and exit of raw materials because they are afraid of piracy. After placing an order, they provide the fabric, buttons, zippers, etc. of the clothes to the manufacturer according to the production quantity.
Considering the scrap rate of production, the manufacturer will definitely get a little more fabric than budgeted, but there will not be so many supporting accessories. After completing an order, garment factories usually have leftover fabric and run out of buttons. Since clothes are formed in batches, manufacturers "recycle" waste and randomly find buttons to complete the clothes. Although the details of this kind of clothes are rough, the main materials are quite wide, and they are also "top quality" among foreign goods.