The company's trademark is Chinese characters plus graphics: Chinese is Zhongjing International; it is the abbreviation of our company. The English name is CJSCO, which is the abbreviation of the first letter of our company’s English name (CHINA JING INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING MANAGEMENT CO., LTD);
The whole graphic is the side of an abstract graphic of an ocean-going freighter, with the middle S is formed by the intersection of two √s, which resembles the propellers on ships in our industry. They are designed in two colors. Red is a color favored by Easterners, and the √ below is the color of the sea, which is more eye-catching to highlight the company's values.
The company's LOGO was successfully registered by the State Administration for Industry and Commerce of the People's Republic of China and the State Administration for Industry and Commerce on February 16, 2009; Issue number: ZC71791000SL; Category: 39;