For companies, the best way to obtain a trademark is to purchase a trademark. However, the cost of trademark purchase is a matter of great concern to enterprises. Some trademarks are very cheap, while others are very expensive. What factors does the cost of trademark purchase depend on? Today Biao Mei is here to tell you something!
The trademark purchase fee includes an official fee of 450 per item and agency fees. You need to consult the trademark agency for details. The price of a trademark will vary depending on the quality of the trademark. If a trademark is very recognizable, easier for people to remember, and the trademark design is aesthetic, the price of such a trademark will be higher. Whether there are objections to a trademark during the application process, whether it has been declared invalid, or whether it has been requested to be removed, will affect the stability of the trademark and thus the price of the trademark.
The cost of trademark purchase is determined by the following aspects:
1. The value of the trademark itself. The value of a trademark is uncertain and is constantly changing as the market changes. The most basic value of a trademark is determined by the quality of goods and services conferred by the trademark. For example, a trademark with high value must have good reputation and service. On the contrary, if the product has poor reputation and service, the value of the trademark will naturally decrease.
2. Trademark and brand awareness. The brand awareness of a trademark is determined by the large-scale brand promotion carried out by the enterprise. The greater the market penetration and the higher the brand awareness, the greater the value of the trademark.
3. Trademark name and logo design. The name of a trademark is very important. Trademarks can be divided into text trademarks and graphic trademarks. A good trademark is a trademark that is easy for consumers to remember. Therefore, a good trademark is extremely valuable. It can not only save the company's marketing costs, but also help the company double the sales of its goods.
A trademark is both a brand and a good trademark requires the company to spend time, money and a good brand to operate it. If you choose to register a trademark, you will need to start over. Just naming the trademark is more troublesome. Often good trademarks have already been registered. Then choosing trademark transfer and choosing a high-quality trademark play a very important role in the development of the enterprise. Trademarks are the best brand advertisements.
Everyone should understand the above about the cost of purchasing a trademark. If you still have any questions, please feel free to consult intellectual property rights. Professional customer service will give you the most satisfactory answer. Purchase trademark fees Purchase trademark process