Before solving the problem of whether the trademark on the clothes purchased from Vipshop can be exchanged, we must first clarify what a trademark is. A trademark is a guarantee of the quality of the clothing product. If a piece of clothing does not have a trademark, It means that the clothes are likely to be imitation goods or fake products. Therefore, if the trademark of the clothes is lost, it is actually a very serious matter for the secondary sales of the clothes.
After that, we need to understand Vipshop’s return policy. Vipshop’s return policy is that you can apply for return within seven days after signing for the product, but the trademark itself must be of complete quality, and have original accessories, packaging, and gifts. It must be complete and cannot affect secondary sales. Therefore, we can find that the answer to the question of whether the clothes purchased on Vipshop can be exchanged if the trademark has been lost is no. When the trademark of the clothes is lost by the buyer, the clothes are not conducive to secondary sales and will cause trouble to the merchants. Therefore, merchants often do not agree to exchange goods.
Of course, there is a second situation. The second situation is that the buyer is not responsible for the loss of the clothing trademark. The buyer discovers that the clothing does not have the trademark when signing for it. In this case, the responsibility lies with the merchant. , buyers can choose to exchange goods with a complete trademark, but this requires buyers to quickly take photos and obtain evidence when signing for receipt, and contact customer service. Because buyers and sellers attach so much importance to trademarks, trademarks have become the standard for measuring product quality. This is why the question of whether clothes bought on Vipshop can be exchanged if the trademarks fall off.
As buyers, when we buy products, whether they are clothes or daily necessities, we should have strict requirements for trademarks. Only products with intact trademarks can guarantee the quality of the products. For sellers, we must Make sure that the products you sell are trademarked, and avoid selling three-no products. The sale of three-no products often damages the reputation of the merchant and has a fatal impression on the long-term development of the merchant. Therefore, the clothes you buy from Vipshop Can I exchange the product if the trademark is lost? As a merchant, the answer is no, unless the merchant is willing to bear the losses of the unbranded clothes. For merchants, trademarks are necessary, but merchants are often confused when registering trademarks. At this time, they need to choose.