Un ange frappe a ma porte
Singer: Natasha st pier
Album: Longueur d ondes
Un signe, une larme,
A signal, a tear
Un mot, une arme,
A word, a weapon
Nettoyer les étoiles à l alcool de mon ?me
Clean the stars with the wine of my soul
Un vide, un mal
A vacuum, an evil
des roses qui se fanent
Withered roses
quelqu'un qui prend la place de quelqu'un d autre
Some people replace others人
Un ange frappe a ma porte
There is an angel knocking on my door
Est-ce que je le laisse entrer
Should I let him in
Ce n'est pas toujours ma faute
If something is broken
Si les choses sont cassées
It’s not always my fault
Le diable frappe a ma porte
The devil is knocking on my door
Il demande a me parler
He wants to talk to me
Il y a en moi toujours l'autre
There is always another me inside me
Attiré par le danger
Attracted by danger
Un filtre, une faille,
A filter, a fault
l'amour, une paille,
Love, a straw
je me noie dans un verre d'eau
I am drowning in a glass of water
je me sens mal dans ma peau
I feel a little uncomfortable inside
Je rie je cache le vrai derrière un masque,
I laugh, I tell the truth Hiding behind the mask
Le soleil ne va jamais se lever.
The sun will never rise again
Je ne suis pas si forte que ?a
I’m not that strong
et la nuit je ne dors pas,
Can’t sleep at night
tous ces rêves ?a me met mal,
All the dreams make me sad
Un enfant frappe à ma porte
A child is knocking on me the door
il laisse entre
r la lumière,
He lets the light in
il a mes yeux et mon coeur,
He has my eyes and my heart
et derrière lui c'est l'enfer
Behind him is hell
Natasha St-Pier, a child star, fourteen years old He just performed on TV and released his first album "Emergences" and "First Experience" in 1996. In 1999, at the age of eighteen, she took to the stage to play Fleur De Lys in the musical "Notre Dame de Paris" and "The Hunchback of Notre Dame", together with other big stars, including the new French king Garou Kahu and the gentle queen Hélène. Ségara, Patrick Fiori, and Daniel Lavoie performed on the same stage, but they were no less impressive. In 2000, the second album "à Chacun Son Histoire" and "Parts of the Past" were released in Canada. In addition to becoming their debut album in France, they also represented France in the "Concours Eurovision de la Chanson" and "European Music Competition". The song "Je N'ai Que Mon me" "Only My Heart" ranked fourth. Taking advantage of the victory, they immediately released the album "Je N’ai Que Mon me". In addition to the single of the same name, it also gathered the main hits from the past two albums, making it a value-for-money album. Among them, the second wave of the hit song "Je T’aime Encore" and "Still Love You" also had a dance music remix version, which was very popular among dancers! In 2002, Natasha St-Pier released a new album "De L'amour Le Mieux" and "Love is the Most Beautiful". French rock talent Pascal Obispo was invited to perform the album, and the first single "Tu Trouveras" "You Will Discover" not only ranked third on the French album chart, but also won the "Best Newcomer Award" at France's "Les Victoires de La Musique" and "Music Light Music Awards"! The last song of the album even invites French pop king Florent Pagny to help out, which shows that Natasha St-Pier's popularity in France is rapidly rising!