1. See the details: genuine Red Star Hongxing Erke shoes are occasionally printed with some tiny letters or raised graphics, and the details of fake shoes are not as perfect as genuine shoes. For example, look at insoles, glue holes in shoes, and metal heads of shoelaces. Good things pay attention to details, especially brand sports shoes.
2. Look at the leather: Look at whether the leather on the surface of Hongxing Hongxing Erke shoes is soft and feels good. Fake shoes are generally inferior leather and feel hard. Dermal has a natural and uneven fiber structure, so the wrinkles and lines formed are obviously uneven; Synthetic leather feels like plastic, with poor recovery after bending and similar crease thickness.
3. Anti-counterfeiting label: In 2005, Red Star Hongxing Erke used code anti-counterfeiting labels on all new shoes and clothing products to identify the genuine products of Red Star Hongxing Erke. The type of anti-counterfeiting label is paper scratch anti-counterfeiting label.