A trademark does not necessarily have to differ by a few words to be considered similar. The principle for determining similar trademarks is that if the two trademarks are used on the same or similar goods or services, it will easily cause the relevant public to have doubts about the source of the goods or services. Will there be any misunderstanding? Therefore, if you register trademarks of different categories, they are not similar trademarks, even if the words are the same, they are not considered similar trademarks.
If the word trademark is of the same or similar category, the situation when determining a similar trademark is as follows:
1. The Chinese characters of the Chinese trademark are the same, but the font or design, phonetic notation, and arrangement order are different.
2. The trademark consists of the same foreign words, letters or numbers, only the font or design is different;
3. The trademark consists of two foreign words, only the order of the words is different, and the meaning is different. There is no obvious difference;
4. Chinese trademarks consist of three or more Chinese characters, and foreign trademarks consist of four or more letters. Only individual Chinese characters or letters are different, and the whole has no meaning or no meaning. Obvious differences;
5. The trademark characters have similar glyphs, same pronunciation, and similar overall appearance;
6. The trademark characters are composed of overlapping words;
7. Foreign language trademarks only undergo changes in form such as singular and plural, gerund, abbreviation, addition of article, comparative or superlative, part of speech, etc., but the meaning of the expression is basically the same;
8. Trademarks It is to add the common name and model of the product, some words indicating the place where the product is produced, sold or used, and directly indicating the quality, main raw materials, functions, uses, weight, quantity and other characteristics of the product to someone else's prior trademark. Text, etc.;
9. A trademark is a modified adjective or adverb added to someone else’s prior trademark, as well as other words with weak distinctiveness in the trademark, and the meaning expressed is basically the same;
10. The two trademarks or one of them consists of two or more relatively independent parts, the significant parts of which are similar;
11. The trademark completely includes the prior trademark of others. A word trademark with a certain degree of popularity or strong distinctiveness.