Beijing May Day International Intellectual Property Answers, Madrid trademark currently includes 92 contracting countries:
Parties to the Agreement (56 member states): (Benelux: Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxembourg) General name)
Albania Armenia Austria Azerbaijan Bosnia Herzegovina Belarus Switzerland Bulgaria Benelux* Germany France Algeria Czech Republic Spain Italy Cuba Egypt Liechtenstein Hungary Croatia Kyrgyzstan Liberia Democratic People's Republic of Korea *** and Kazakhstan, Moldova*** and Morocco, Latvia, the former Yugoslavia, Macedonia*** and Mongolia, Namibia, Poland, Sudan, San Marino, Russian Federation, Slovakia, Romania, Portugal, Syria, Tajikistan, Slovenia, Uzbekistan, Vietnam, Swaziland, Iran*** and Lesotho, Mozambique, Serbia and Montenegro Cyprus China Sierra Leone Ukraine Kenya Bhutan Monaco
Pure Protocol Parties (21+24 European Member States)
United Kingdom Sweden Greece Singapore Iceland Iceland Georgia Australia Ireland Estonia Turkey South Korea United States, Turkmenistan, Denmark, Japan, Finland, Norway, Lithuania, Zambia, Antigua and Barbuda, Netherlands Antilles, European Union (24 countries)