The process for applying for a sole proprietor’s license: (First of all, I’ll correct you a mistake, that is, a sole proprietor only has the name of an operator and does not have a legal person. Legal persons belong to companies and enterprises)
1. Take care of yourself It is best to prepare 2-3 backup names to prevent duplicate names; get the name pre-approval notice;
2. Go through relevant pre-approval procedures: that is, health license, fire safety license Certificate and other pre-approval procedures;
3. After obtaining all pre-approval procedures, bring the following information: A copy of the operator’s original ID card. Copy of rental contract. Copy of the real estate certificate of the shop. There is also a copy of the brand's trademark license with a seal. According to your statement, you only need a letter of authorization issued by your general agent in Sichuan, because they have the power to authorize within Sichuan.
4. Pay the license-related fees and wait for the license to be issued.