The first status: trademark rejection.
The rejection of a trademark means that the trademark registration has failed, but it is not a death sentence. Relief procedures can be adopted to save the trademark by rejecting the review. Failure to conduct the review within the specified time means giving up the rights.
Second status: Trademark formal review
This status indicates that the trademark is undergoing review of application materials. The examiner will review whether the documents submitted by the applicant comply with the regulations. If they do not, It may be necessary to modify the information for correction, or it may not be accepted directly. Therefore, everyone must try to submit standardized application materials, otherwise trademark registration will take longer.
The third status: trademark substantive examination.
Different from formal examination, substantive examination is to examine whether the applied trademark is legal, whether there is a similar trademark, whether it is distinctive, etc. If the examiner determines that there is any non-compliance with the regulations during this process, the trademark will be rejected.
The fourth status: Trademark rejection review passed.
After the trademark is rejected, if the reexamination is passed, a registration announcement will be issued.
The fifth status: trademark announcement.
After the trademark passes the substantive examination, the trademark will be announced for 3 months.
Sixth status: Trademark objection.
There is a risk that the trademark will be opposed during the three-month announcement period. When the trademark is opposed, you can wait for the Trademark Office to make a decision, or you can file a rebuttal and enter the opposition defense to gain more opportunities.
Seventh status: Trademark registration successful.
Successful registration means that the trademark application has been completed and the trademark certificate can be issued, and the trademark has been officially registered successfully.