People are not warm without clothes and clothes are not beautiful. Can Cong taught sericulture and Lei Zu made silk reeling. On the banks of Jinjiang River, the beautiful girls are lined with waves and singing like a tide; Above Chengdu, the sun is shining and the color is like sunset. Although the Fuhe River is small, it is not obvious; The silk in the brocade spread like wildfire. Brocade was a tribute to Yizhou in the Han Dynasty and the war capital of Shu and Han in the Three Kingdoms period. Brocade is a symbol of identity and a label of identity. The noise of looms in Chengdu stopped, and the clothes of women workers in Shu County covered the world. During the Qin and Han dynasties, merchants were cheap, and even if gold was like earth, the law prohibited them from wearing brocade shirts; During the Tang and Song Dynasties, scholars preferred to eat without meat and were used to tattoos. A brocade book and 1000 embroidery paintings. On the Southern Silk Road, cattle and horses were carried; In the East China Sea, ships are propelled by sails. Western Asian women use it to dress up beautiful women, and Persian men are proud of it.
Poetry and painting of the 400-meter ancient road, Sang Hailei, 2000. Huan Wuhou is the same body, facing the world and shining. Collect the old customs of western Sichuan and collect the heritage of Shu and Han. Historical masterpieces need to be cherished more when they are restored; Human heritage, participation is caring. Tour Wuhou, from the calculation; Visiting Jinli is like a dream. Leisure Chengdu, I don't want to go when I come; In terms of humanities, I want to come again after I leave. The new favorite of the ancient temple, stele garden, is an excellent film and television base; Old trees are tender, eating, living, traveling, shopping and entertainment have become famous tourist areas.
Yue Ming:
Famous in Han and Tang dynasties, the street is ancient and modern.
Thanks to the three countries, guests gathered in five continents.