Aokang leather shoes are of the best quality and are worth recommending.
Leather shoes are an extremely important part of a man's attire. Sometimes a pair of leather shoes can represent a man's taste and identity. Only by being proficient in details can style be achieved. Things to note when purchasing leather shoes: Be careful to identify the authenticity of the leather. For natural leather, you can press the leather surface with your thumb to see if there are fine leather grains next to your thumb. There are fine lines, the fine lines disappear after you let go, the surface of the leather shoes is plump and elastic, and the grains are flat and clear, it is better natural leather. Those with larger and deeper wrinkles or heavier trimming and coating are poorer leather. Natural leather.
Pay special attention to the material of the lining of your leather shoes. The lining of leather shoes is a reinforcing material used to prevent extension and deformation and improve the touch of the foot. The lining and sole of leather shoes play an important role in water vapor permeability and water vapor absorption, and are very important factors in the intrinsic quality of a pair of leather shoes. . No matter how good the upper leather of a pair of leather shoes is, if non-breathable artificial leather is used as the shoe lining and sole, the comfort will be no different from wearing artificial leather shoes.
Due to the thick coating, patent leather has poor breathability and water vapor permeability. It relies entirely on the lining leather, sole leather and the flesh surface of the patent leather to absorb water vapor. More attention should be paid to the choice of leather shoe lining.