eagles are at least twins when they are born, and many can reach triplets. After the mother eagle lays eggs, she patiently hatches them into baby eagles and takes care of them carefully. But before long, the mother eagle will reduce the food of the young eagles and drive them to compete for food until the strong among them eats the weak. The baby eagle was so hungry that he tore his brothers and sisters bloody and swallowed them into his stomach. The mother eagle and the father eagle are not sad for the loss of their children, but encourage the strong. The mother eagle and the father eagle do this for two purposes: first, the survival of the fittest, because only the strong can survive in a harsh environment; Second, let the eagle understand the survival law of "the law of the jungle" from an early age. If it is not cruel, it will have no chance to survive, but in order to survive, it can be desperate.
six or seven days after a baby eagle is born, the mother eagle will train it cruelly to prevent it from learning to crawl, so that its first reaction in life is to fly. Because crawling is a disgrace to the eagle, and flying is a symbol of nobility and courage. When the baby eagle can fly, the mother eagle will break most of the bones in their wings and push them down from a height. Although the baby eagle is sore all over because of the broken bones in its wings, it must struggle to fly, or it will fall to death. Struggle makes their wings get blood supply, and they can be healed in a short time, and the healed wings will be as hard as iron and more powerful. It turned out that the reason why the mother eagle broke the bones in the wings of the baby eagle was to regenerate the bones in the wings of the baby eagle. After most of the bones in the wings were broken, many baby eagles did not struggle to fly, but fell into the valley and became bloody and frightening flowers.
most people think that the baby eagle should be nurtured by the mother eagle after birth, but this is not the case. A few days after their birth, the mother eagle will give them no food and prevent them from sleeping in their mother's warm arms. They were dizzy with hunger, their heads drooped, they seemed to have no strength, and even their eyes seemed to be hard to open.
but the mother eagle still doesn't pity them. Their condition is getting worse every day, and if they don't eat, their lives will be in danger. The baby eagle was finally starving, and his head was lowered bit by bit. It seemed that he could not lift it when he was so low that he would die. But when they were halfway down, they suddenly lifted their heads, widened their bloodshot eyes and made a series of screams.
The screams of the eagles in despair are very powerful. The sharp and strong sound seems to be a sharp blade flying from their throats, shining with dazzling light and stabbing at the target. The mother eagle heard the baby eagle's scream, jumped out of the nest and immediately gave them something to eat. The mother eagle knows that the baby eagle can not fall down in despair and shows anger, which shows that it has the ability of generate's strength in despair, thus proving that it is a real eagle. After listening to this story, people finally know that the spirit of the eagle was inspired from suffering.
When some young eagles are old enough to crawl, the mother eagle pushes them to the edge of the nest and lets them look down the cliff. The cold wind and dim light under the cliff made it tremble and wanted to retract into the mother eagle's arms. At this time, the mother eagle suddenly flew out of the nest and fluctuated on the edge of the cliff, making her body draw a beautiful arc. The mother eagle is to show the baby eagle what flying is like. As an eagle, you should not be afraid of cliffs and darkness.
After hovering for a while, the mother eagle returns to the nest and pushes the baby eagle out of the nest bit by bit with her body. The baby eagle shrank in fear, the rock wall was covered with thorns, sharp-edged rocks, bottomless rivers and screaming groundhogs running around. The mother eagle let out a long cry and pushed the baby eagle out. The baby eagle whined and floated around in the air. Although the weather is not in autumn, the baby eagle is like a falling leaf, which will fall to the bottom of the cliff prematurely. When the mother eagle pushed the baby eagle to the cliff valley, she flapped her wings and flew behind the mountain. The baby eagle tried to climb branches and vines in the fall, but it didn't succeed. On the verge of landing, it suddenly spread its wings in the struggle, circled a beautiful arc and flew upward.
It flew up slowly and finally landed on a stone on the top of the mountain. The cliff valley is still dark and silent, and the eagle looks at the deep cliff as if he had just known it, and hasn't turned his head for a long time. Later, the baby eagle let out a cry and flew away from the stone. The sky is high and the sun is blazing, and it slowly turns into a small black spot.
The survival of the eagle is full of many rules of the game. Eagles often catch and release their prey until they are exhausted. The eagle sometimes pounces on animals several times bigger than it without fear, chasing and scaring them to prove its courage; Sometimes they will fly excitedly from their nests to chase flying insects, and learn how these flying animals attack and evade attacks to enhance their predation skills. When the weather is good, the eagle will soar and fly in the sky, and the speed is as fast as an arrow, which is amazing. Eagles often make some horrible moves to intimidate others and defend their own interests. Under normal circumstances, it will erect the feathers on its head and neck, then put its head forward fiercely, spread its wings and move its paws forward, as if to pounce on each other at once, so that the other party has to be alert to them. The eagle's intimidation and show-off are even more carried out in flight. When the same kind invades its territory, they scream loudly, as if calling for more eagles to panic in the invaders until they are scared to fly out of its airspace.
People can't see the concrete life of eagles except that they can be witnessed when flying in the sky. Most birds like sunshine, grass, flowers and rivers, and they like to find happiness and enjoy happiness from them. Eagles don't. They always stay in dimly lit mountains or hide in caves. No matter how busy it is outside, they never look around.
Eagles have high demands on the weather. Whenever they fly or go out to hunt, they must choose sunny days. You will never see an eagle in the sky in windy and rainy weather. The eagle cherishes its feathers very much and never lets it get wet by the rain or fall on snowflakes. If it is rainy and snowy, it would rather go hungry than let its feathers suffer. When going out to hunt, if it finds that it has lost its feathers, it will give up hunting and take its lost feathers back to its nest. When an eagle is alive, it is absolutely not allowed to lose its feathers.
The eagle's attitude towards death is equally amazing. The eagle will not wait for death. When it feels that it is dying, it flies to the cliff and kills itself on the rock wall. The cliff is bottomless, so no one will see the eagle's bones. A herder once saw an eagle kill himself: it went to catch a prey, but it didn't expect the prey to bite it. It flew into the sky and tried to get rid of the prey several times, but failed. Finally, with a scream, it crashed into a cliff. Immediately, it and the prey both fell into the cliff.
Compared with other birds, the eagle has the longest life span. It can live to seventy years old. To maintain such a long life, it must make an important decision for its own life at the age of forty. This decision is extremely painful, but it can give it a new life. It turns out that when the eagle flying in the sky and catching prey in the wilderness is about forty years old, its sharp claws begin to age, and it can no longer catch prey as freely as before; Its beak has also been covered with a long and curved cocoon, which can touch its chest when it moves, which is a great obstacle to eating; What makes it sad most is that the feathers on its wings are also piled up thick together, so that it can no longer fly lightly in the sky as before.
At this time, it is faced with a difficult choice: either wait for death or go through a very painful process to get a new life.
eagles will choose to bring life back to life. After careful observation, it chose a steep cliff on which no animals and birds could climb except itself, and then it took about 15 days to regenerate itself. First of all, it will suddenly hit a cliff in flight and knock its cocoon-forming beak hard on the rock. It will use a lot of strength to knock off the aging beak and mouth and even the belt meat at once. It flew back to the cave with blood in its mouth, enduring severe pain and waiting for a new beak to grow.
The new beak finally grows out, and it immediately goes to the second procedure, which uses the new beak to pull out the old toenails on both paws one by one. It was also a bloody update. Soon, a new toenail came out, and then it went through the third process, tearing off the old feathers with the new toenail, and waiting for another five months, the new feathers came out again. Only after this series of cruel updates can the eagle fly in the blue sky again and gain 3 years of life.
This series of life renewal is full of dangers, and it is very likely that it will kill itself or starve to death, but it still dares to challenge itself and dare to regenerate itself on the brink of death.
eagles can challenge for their own lives, but they also cherish their own lives. After a day of flying and preying, the eagle returned to its nest at dusk. It bent its head against its shoulder and stood on one foot, while the other foot retracted into its feathers to keep warm. All night, the eagle rested in this "golden rooster independence" posture.
In the morning, the eagle combed its feathers with its beak, and then began to clean its nest. During the night, it left some feathers, feces and food pills, and it wanted to remove them one by one. After all this, the sun is rising outside the nest. It moves its wings and feels that they are quite energetic today, so it flutters its wings and flies to the blue sky.
the eagle's day begins again.
I am a real hand-player, please don't copy! ! Or I'll sue you for piracy! ! Mine is for borrowing only! ! thank you